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"Marm Lecain makes such an etarnal touss about her carpets, that I have to go along that everlasting long entry, and down both staircases, to the street door to spit; and it keeps all the gentlemen a-running with their mouths full all day. I had a real bout with a New Yorker this morning.

By the Almighty Etarnal he won't say't twice." "Have you purchased it?" "Neer a mind for that, mister; I've made it: that's my style o' purchase, an', by God! it'll stan' good, I reck'n. Consarn yur skin! what hev you got to do wi't anyhow?" "This," I replied, still struggling to keep calm, at the same time taking the title-deeds from my saddle-bags "this only, Mr Holt.

Here we were nearly thrown out of the waggon, by the breaking down of one of those small wooden bridges, which prove so annoying and so dangerous to travellers. Did you hear that are snap? said he, well as sure as fate, I'll break my clocks over them etarnal log bridges, if Old Clay clips over them arter that fashion.

I'll find him in the bottom o' a Californey gold mine, or wherever he may try to hide hisself; an', by the etarnal! I'll wipe out the score both the old un and the new un in the skunk's blood, or I'll never set fut agin in the state o' Tennessee. I've made up my mind to it." "You are determined to follow him?" "Firmly detarmined!" "Enough! Our roads lie together!"

Marm Lecain makes such an etarnal touss about her carpets, that I have to go along that everlasting long entry, and down both staircases, to the street door to spit; and it keeps all the gentlemen a running with their mouths full all day.

Although, however, Harry and I told him very frankly that we were not merely the sole planners, but the sole executors, of the trick it was in vain we spoke. Tom would not have it. "No he knew he knew well enough; did we go for to think he was such an old etarnal fool as not to know Jem's voice a bloody Decker he would be the death of him."

"Murderer!" echoed he, after a moment of apparent reflection. "No, no; it's bad enuf to hev the blame o' that, 'ithout bein' guilty o't. I ain't agwine to murder ye; but I ain't agwine neyther to let ye go. I mout a did so a minnit agone, but ye've lost yur chance. Ye've called me a coward; an' by the Etarnal! no man 'll say that word o' Hick Holt, an' live to boast o't.

"Now do you think there's any three men to be found in York, such darned etarnal fools as to be willing to shoot a match agin us?" "To be sure I do, lots of them; and to beat us too, to boot, you stupid old porpoise.

"Great etarnal jeehosophat, straanger; I wouldn't a shot yer 'fur two dollars an' a half, I wouldn't, by golly, fur I'm loaded bang up ter th' muzzle with slugs fur geese. It were a narry escape fur me."

And besides, didn't that etarnal old Bruce fob me off with a beast good for nothing, and talk big to me besides? and warn't that all fa'r provocation? An didn't you yourself sw'ar ag'in shaking paws with me, and treat me as if I war no gentleman? 'Tarnal death to me, cut me loose, or I'll haunt you, when I'm a ghost, I will, 'tarnal death to me!"