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he trolled out merrily; and then, clapping his hands to his lips, "Espanol ahoy!" he shouted. "Ahoy!" came back from the bank of trees across the little river. "Espanol ahoy!" shouted the boy again, and there was the answering echo. "Well, I hear you!" cried Rodd merrily. "But how did you get there without the boat?" There was no answer to this. "Coffee and fried ham!" roared Rodd.

Muerto D. Pedro en 1794, la viuda regresó a Madrid con tres hijos, siendo nacidos en España D. Francisco, en quien debía recaer el mayorazgo, y D. Pedro Ángel, después matemático notable y a quien como literato elogia D. Eugenio de Ochoa en el Tesoro del Teatro Español.

"Why should Spain, which has explored the New World, why should she alone be destitute of Bible Societies," asked the Espanol. Nothing, however, came of the project.

It's a ticklish job to get guns out of New York. McClusky himself can't do it." They parted at the door of the Hotel Espanol. The General rolled his eyes at the moon and sighed. "It is a great country, your Nueva York," he said. "Truly the cars in the streets devastate one, and the engine that cooks the nuts terribly makes a squeak in the ear.

At Earl Street the good news about the article in the Espanol gave the liveliest satisfaction. This letter reached Madrid at a time when Borrow found himself absolutely destitute. Everything in Madrid was so dear. For weeks Borrow devoted himself to the task of endeavouring to obtain permission to print the Scriptures in Spanish.

He had the mustache of a shooting-gallery proprietor, he wore the full dress of a Texas congressman and had the important aspect of an uninstructed delegate. Gen. Falcon had enough English under his hat to enable him to inquire his way to the street in which El Refugio stood. When he reached that neighborhood he saw a sign before a respectable red-brick house that read, "Hotel Espanol."

"Nothing now, dear: if I need anything later, I will tell your mother when she comes." "Mamma does not understand French very well." "No importa, Conchita; le hablare en Espanol." "Bien, entonces!" she responded, with the same exquisite smile. "Adios, senor!" ...

My country it have other brave heroes to continue the fighting. What to me should be glory and the shooting of mans? Ah! no. It is here I have found one angel. Let us buy the Hotel Espanol and you shall be mine, and the money shall not be waste on guns." Mrs. O'Brien rested her blond pompadour against the shoulder of the Colombian patriot. "Oh, senor," she sighed, happily, "ain't you terrible!"

"Well, you've been speaking it, ain't you?" said the madam. "I'm sure I can't." At the Hotel Espanol General Falcon engaged rooms and established himself. At dusk he sauntered out upon the streets to view the wonders of this roaring city of the North. As he walked he thought of the wonderful golden hair of Mme. O'Brien.

"We have the duty to exact the rights we have just proclaimed and the 'natives' in all the isles and in all their different races, as well as the 'Mestizo Sangley, as the 'Mestizo Espanol, and the 'Son of the Country, we all have the honorable duty of defending ourselves against the whip and the contempt of the Spaniards, accepting the protection and direction of the humane North American nation.