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He hears their cases in affairs of justice, in their domestic and business affairs. Appeals from him go to the alcalde-mayor of Tondo or of the Parian, and from all these to the Audiencia, which also gives especial attention to this nation and whatever pertains to it. No Sangley can live or own a house outside these settlements of the Parian, and of Baybay and Minondoc.

The three per cent duties on the Chinese merchandise of the Sangley vessels average forty thousand pesos annually. The two per cent duties paid by the Spaniards for exporting merchandise to Nueva Espana amount annually to twenty thousand pesos. On the merchandise and money sent from Nueva Espana to the Filipinas, result eight thousand pesos more.

After the register has been inspected and the valuation made, then the merchandise is immediately unloaded by another official into champans, and taken to the Parian, or to other houses and magazines, outside of the city. There the goods are freely sold. No Spaniard, Sangley, or other person is allowed to go to the ship to buy or trade merchandise, food, or anything else.

This is necessary, for it has likewise been unavoidable, on this account, that those who were going back to Nueva Hespaña should be late in leaving here; for the Sangley merchants, taking warning from the many losses which they have suffered, and the neglect of the Spaniards to pay them during years past, will not give up their cloth without first seeing the silver at hand.

By the insertion of these faithful historical elements it is hoped to give more vividness to the atmosphere of the time, and to strengthen the verisimilitude of a piece of fiction which is not, I believe, out of harmony with fact. Gilbert Parker To Sir Edward Seaforth, Bart., of Sangley Hope in Derbyshire, and Seaforth House in Hanover Square.

I only say, in order that you may understand in what a country we are, that it is the true kingdom of the devil, where he seems to rule with full power. Hence each Sangley appears to be the devil incarnate, for there is no malice or deceit which they do not attempt.

All the resources of this land are scanty, but if there is anything good the auditors also say that they want it for themselves; and when there is a Chinese embroiderer, tailor, carver, or other workman, they proceed to take him into their houses and have him do much work in such a way that the Sangley himself has no freedom.

It may further be observed that, as in the Sangley mestizos economy and avarice compete with intelligence and activity in accumulating wealth and as they are scattered, among the principal islands, and in possession of the best lands and the most lucrative business of the interior, there are ample motives for presuming that these industrious and sagacious people have gradually, although incessantly, amassed immense sums in specie; but it would be impossible to point out their amount, distribution, or the secret places in which they are hoarded.

It is very noticeable with these Sangley people that they intermix with any other people who are here, in a very singular fashion; for at once they intermarry with the women of these nations, adopt their customs, and live like Indians.

"We have the duty to exact the rights we have just proclaimed and the 'natives' in all the isles and in all their different races, as well as the 'Mestizo Sangley, as the 'Mestizo Espanol, and the 'Son of the Country, we all have the honorable duty of defending ourselves against the whip and the contempt of the Spaniards, accepting the protection and direction of the humane North American nation.