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Daddles and I were getting into the boat, someone spoke from the shadow of a building. "Aha!" said a voice. Then a man stepped out into the moonlight, and advanced a little toward us. "Leavin' kinder sudden, aint yer?" It was Gregory the Gauger. He walked still nearer. Then he recognized Mr. Daddles and me. "What's this? What's this?" he snapped, "got out, didger? Thought yer was escapin', didger?

I kept my secret to myself, an' when I'd gathered enough, bought provisions, stole a horse, an' ran away, escapin' over the Sierras into California, where I hoped that the Mormons, an' especially my father, would lose all trace o' me an' give me up for dead. For eight years I drifted along the coast from camp to camp, but didn't have much luck.

"Any objection to deputizin' me?" said Scattergood. "Any notion I might help some?" "Glad to have you, Scattergood.... Got to hustle. Most likely the murderer's escapin' this minute." "Um!..." said Scattergood. "Need any catridges or anythin' in the hardware line, Sheriff? Figgerin' on goin' armed, hain't you?" "Dunno but what the boys'll need somethin'. You keep open till I gather 'em here."

"You see, Mr Osten," said Big Ben, in a low tone, "it's a piece of good luck that they've brought us this way, 'cause when we leave them we have nought to do but continue our journey." "Leave them!" exclaimed Will in surprise. "How shall we manage to leave them?" "By escapin'," answered the trapper.

I land out of the Grande Marie de Luxembourg at Naples, with no more idea of revivin' old times than of escapin' into the next century, and who's the first person that I meet but little Gertie, and what's the first word that I hear but the isolation of the soul! Paul sat in a chill, tense agony.

Man alive, but A was mad, riskin' m' crew o' two hundred workmen for a train load o' rash directors! Th' train stopped! A dashed up! Ross opened out, his throttle was full open: so was mine; an' th' steam an' smoke escapin' from yon big mogul, well, Wayland, them was my unregenerate days!

Get up, I say agin, afore I take the stick to you!" "Why, thin, all sorts o' fortune to you, Condy ha, ha, ha! but you're the sarra's pet, for there's no escapin' you. What was that I hard atween you an' Ellish?" said Peter, getting up. "The sarra matther to you. If you behave yourself, we may let you into the wrong side o' the sacret afore you die.

"Why, you aren't thinking that they may be after you, are you, Jack? After you on that old mutiny charge?" "They might be, Miss," he said in a whisper, looking cautiously around. "You see that charge isn't dead, and then there's the one of escapin' from an English prison. They might overlook the mutiny, especially as they may not have all their witnesses now some of 'em may be dead.

While they were debatin' he woke up an' begin cuttin' loose with hands an' feet, an' whin he got through he made a collection iv th' things they dhropped in escapin' an' marched ca'mly down th' sthreet. Mebbe 'twill tur-rn out so in Chiny, Hinnissy. I see be th' pa-apers that they'se four hundherd millyons iv thim boys an' be hivins!

Come, Jack Traynor, you that's up to still-house work escapin' and carryin' away stills from gaugers, the bloody villains! out wid yer spake, till we hear your opinion." "Do ye think, boys," said Andy Connell, "that we could flatter him to come by fair mains?" "Flatther him!" said Traynor; "and, by my sowl, if we flatther him at all, it must be by the hair of the head.