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Et dis-moi donc, pourquoi es-tu paresseuse? Pourquoi ne fais-tu pas de musique? I fancied you playing c-dur when the hollow, melting wind howls through the dry twigs of the lindens, and d-moll when the snow-flakes chase in fantastic whirls around the corners of the old tower, and, after their desperation is spent, cover the graves with their winding-sheet.

When Vandeloup finished the song he dashed into a riotous student song which he had heard many a time in midnight Paris, and finally ended with singing Alfred de Musset's merry little chanson, which he thought especially appropriate to Kitty: Bonjour, Suzon, ma fleur des bois, Es-tu toujours la plus jolie, Je reviens, tel que tu me vois, D'un grand votage en Italie.

When Ranulph entered the kitchen his greeting to the sieur and the chevalier was in French, but to Guida he said, rather stupidly in the patois for late events had embarrassed him "Ah bah! es-tu gentiment?" "Gentiment," she answered, with a queer little smile. "You'll have breakfast?" she said in English. "Et ben!" Ranulph repeated, still embarrassed, "a mouthful, that's all."

Whom is there left of human race that I could hold such close intimacy with? No one. "Tanneguy du Châtel, ou es-tu!" . Worked five pages. June 13. I took a walk out last evening after tea, and called on Lord Chief-Commissioner and the Macdonald Buchanans, that kind and friendly clan. The heat is very great, and the wrath of the bugs in proportion.

At length the old man spoke. "Es-tu la Fifine, tu ne parles pas?" "I am here in body," answered the girl in French, "but not in mind, not in heart." "Always the same," the old man replied, with a tinge of sadness in his tone. "I thought you would learn wisdom before this, but you do not. What do you want that I have not given you, except company?" "And what is all you have given me, beside that?

I think it is at once brilliant and sedate it has a magnificent air of historical antiquity, and it is a little paradoxical." "Where is the paradox?" inquired Giovanni. "'Es-tu libre? Les lois sont-elles respectées? Crains-tu de voir ton champ pillé par le voisin? Le maître a-t-il son toit, et l'ouvrier son pain?"

She gave us "L' R'tou du Terre-Neuvi oprès San Prumi Viage" "Mais en es-tu bain seu, ma fille? Not' Jean est-i don bain r'v'nu? Tu dis qué nou l'a veu en ville, I m'étonn' qu'i n'sait déj

When Ranulph entered the kitchen his greeting to the sieur and the chevalier was in French, but to Guida he said, rather stupidly in the patois for late events had embarrassed him "Ah bah! es-tu gentiment?" "Gentiment," she answered, with a queer little smile. "You'll have breakfast?" she said in English. "Et ben!" Ranulph repeated, still embarrassed, "a mouthful, that's all."

Could he marry a girl who had been a ballet-dancer, and who had come into an unexpected heritage? "Es-tu fou d'en douter?" cried Edgar. "What a sublime occasion to manifest thy scorn of the miserable banalities of the bourgeoisie! It will but increase thy moral power over the people. And then think of the money. What an aid to the cause! What a capital for the launch! journal all thine own!

The simple folk had forgotten their insane treatment of him then, and they saluted him now with a chirping: "Es-tu biaou, chevalier?" and "Es-tu gentiment, m'sieu'?" to which he responded with amiable forgiveness.