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F'r all that, whur the timmer's clost an' brushy, an' the ground o' that sort whur a hoss mout stummel, it are allers the safest plan to let ole Eph'm slide. I've seed a grizzly pull down as good a hoss as ever tracked a parairy, whur the critter hed got bothered in a thicket. The fellur that straddled him only saved himself by hookin' on to the limb o' a tree.

"Wal, I watched the game awhile only a leetle while; for I knowd that if the bar could git clur o' the rag, he mout still overtake me, an' drive me to the tree. That I didn't wan't, eyther, so I tuk to my heels agin' and soon reached camp. "Thur I saddled my mar, an' then rid back to git my gun, an', perhaps, to give ole Eph'm a fresh taste o' lead.

Uncle Eph'm, himself, was getting very feeble and helpless, and it would not be long before he joined his loved ones on the other shore. De good ole times were gone forever! It was with regret that I left this attractive home, and I gladly accepted an invitation to return in the fall for the shooting. For the shooting, indeed! Why, that was all over! Dan Cupid never aimed truer!

Its outcome was this: Toward the end of the first year of the marriage, upon a bleak, forbidding March day a day of bitter wind and icy sleet, there rode one to the Overholt door who called upon Pap and Aunt Cornelia to hitch up and come with all possible haste to old Eph'm Blackshears, Cornelia's father a man who had lived to fourscore, and who now lay at his last, asking for his daughter, his baby chile, Cornely.