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"He disgraced me, Rody," observed Frank "I can't rise my head; and you know I was thought, by all the parish, as good a man as him. No, I wouldn't, this blessed Christmas Eve above us, for all that ever my name was worth, be disgraced by him as I am. But hould, man have patience!" "Throth and, Frank, that's what you never had," said Eody; "and as to bein' disgraced, you disgraced yourself.

"Ay, there's sinse and rason in that," replied Eody; "and if you'd take my advice you'd give up Peggy Gartland, too." "I'll see you when I come back, Eody; don't be from about the place." And as he spoke, a single spring brought him over the stile at which they held the foregoing conversation. On advancing, he found himself in one of his father's fields, under the shelter of an elder-hedge.

"Rody," said he, slapping him fiercely on the shoulder, "go in I've I've made up my mind upon what I'll do; go in, Eody, and get your dinner; but don't be out of the way when I come back." "And what have you made up your mind to?" inquired Eody. "Why, by the sacred Mother o' Heaven, Rody, to to be friends wid Mike."

"All feathalagh an' nonsense," replied Eody, who, by the way, entertained a very high opinion of his own sagacity; "no mortal could suspect that there was a plot to rob the house from what I said; but hould," he added, slapping his knee, as if he had made a discovery, "ma chorp an' dioul, but I have it all." "What is it?" said the Prophet, calmly.

At the head of these parties were two persons mentioned in these pages; to wit, Thomas Dalton and Red Eody Duncan, together with several others of various estimation and character; some of them, as might be naturally expected, the most daring and turbulent spirits in the neighborhood. Such, then, was the miserable state of things in the country at that particular period.

"Why, in troth, Eody, to tell you the truth if she could give it to me at any other time an' place, I'd prefer it. That Grey Stone is a wild place to be in at midnight." "It is a wild place; still it's there, an' nowhere else, that you must get the box.