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Shall we say, The people must be brought back to the old-time endurance ay, endurance, that is the word of long-drawn, laborious ratiocinations, wherein the truth is diligently pursued for its own sake, with an ultimate reference, indeed, to the needs and uses of the hearer, but so remote as rarely to be noticed, except by that very small fraction of any customary congregation who may chance to have an interest in such doings, some of whom watch the clergyman as they would the entomologist, running down a truth that he may impale it, and add one more specimen to his well-ordered collection of common and of uncommon bugs?

This attitude of his may be due in some measure to an unconscious bias in favour of the ants, whose ways he has more specially noted; for the entomologist is always inclined to regard that insect as the more intelligent to which he has more particularly devoted himself, and we have to be on our guard against this little personal predilection.

Nature seemed truly to mock the unhappy entomologist, whose temper was becoming cross. For four days more the march toward the northeast was continued in the same way. On the 16th of April the distance traversed from the coast could not be estimated at less than one hundred miles.

They are not a proper article of food. In the swamp known as the Cienega de Zapata are both alligators and crocodiles, some of them of quite imposing dimensions. The insect life of the island is extensive. From personal experience, particularly behind the search-light of an automobile that drew them in swarms, I, should say that the island would be a rich field for the entomologist.

'Transact. Linn. It had previously been observed that certain butterflies in S. America belonging to quite distinct families, resembled the Heliconidae so closely in every stripe and shade of colour, that they could not be distinguished save by an experienced entomologist.

To-day's dinner subtends a larger visual angle than yesterday's revolution. A mote in my eye is bigger to me than the biggest of Dr. Gould's private planets. Every traveller is a self-taught entomologist.

A learned entomologist of Bordeaux, Professor Perez, to whom I submit the naming of my prizes, once asked me if I had any special means of hunting, to send him so many rarities and even novelties. I am not at all an experienced and still less a zealous hunter, for the insect interests me much more when engaged in its work than when stuck on a pin in a cabinet.

But Doña Isidora, who was a very good entomologist, recognised it; and, knowing that it was a very curious insect, on this account called the attention of her daughter to it. "What is it, mamma?" inquired the little Leona, bending forward to examine it. "The ant-lion." "The ant-lion! Why, mamma, it is an insect! How then can it be called lion?"

The view that the insects were derived from a Zoëa was also sustained by Friedrich Brauer, the distinguished entomologist of Vienna, in a paper read in March, 1869. Following the suggestion of Fritz Müller and Hæckel, he derives the ancestry of insects from the Zoëa of crabs and shrimps.

What invaluable documents for the entomologist and the historian of the evolution of the species are those multiple and fabulous metamorphoses of the Sitares and the Meloïdae which this indefatigable inquirer has revealed in all their astonishing phases!