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"You can study these people, as an entomologist studies insects. Listen, it wouldn't do any harm if you took a walk to that town near here, named Cidones, to see if you can find out what sort of bird this Father Martin is." "All right." "I will do so." "Then, till tomorrow!" "You are going now?" "Yes." "Goodnight, then." Caesar left his room and marched off to sleep.

Still I was conscious of a passing feeling of disappointment, for gazing at a fish did not commend itself to an ardent entomologist. My friends at home, too, were annoyed, when they discovered that no amount of eau-de-Cologne would drown the perfume which haunted me like a shadow.

These have even invited officials to look at their sketch-books, which, had they had any suspicion or any eyes in their heads, would have revealed plans and armaments of their own fortresses interpolated among the veins of the botanist's drawings of leaves or on the butterflies' wings of the entomologist.

It has been suggested, that slight differences in these organs would suffice to prevent the intercrossing of well-marked varieties or incipient species, and would thus aid in their development. Ent. Mr. Ent. Aug. 'The Practical Entomologist, Philadelphia, vol. ii. Mr. 'Modern Classification of Insects, vol. ii. 1840, pp. 205, 206. Mr. Crabro cribrarius.

Our flora is beautiful, varied, and possesses many rare plants, yet I only know of two herbaria; the birds are abundant, yet there is but one collector of them; and as for insects, although I frequently take what I consider rare species, yet I cannot find an entomologist in the whole district, or I would send them to him.

Only the entomologist can appreciate the delight with which I hunted about for hours in the hot sunshine, among the branches and twigs and bark of the fallen trees, every few minutes securing insects which were at that time almost all rare or new to European collections.

"As for me, I am going to pay a visit to the insects of the country." "Do not go far away, Mr. Benedict," said the novice. "We urge you strongly not to do it." "Do not be uneasy, my boy." "And above all, do not bring back too many musquitoes," added old Tom. A few moments after, the entomologist, his precious tin box strapped to his shoulders, left the grotto.

We first came to know the entomologist through our opposite neighbors, the Fontenettes, when we lived in the street that still bears the romantic name, Sixth. What a pity nothing rhymes to it. Their ground-story cottage was of a much better sort.

Hercules would take charge of Mrs. Weldon. The novice took little Jack under his care. Cousin Benedict, very tranquil, however, reappeared on the deck with his entomologist box strapped to his shoulder. The novice commended him to Bat and Austin. As to Negoro, his singular calmness said plainly enough that he had no need of anybody's aid.

If you see in this the reason that makes the Wasp a Weevil-expert endowed with a perspicacity unrivalled save by that of a professional entomologist, why should you refuse to admit that the same consequences would follow in the bird-catcher's family? I hasten to abandon these insoluble problems in order to attack the question of provisions from another point of view.