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There were many arboreal kinds besides the two just mentioned; and it was rather alarming, in entomologising about the trunks of trees, to suddenly encounter, on turning round, as sometimes happened, a pair of glittering eyes and a forked tongue within a few inches of one's head.

One very sultry forenoon Mark and his party while out botanising, entomologising, philosophising, etcetera, not far from but out of sight of the great procession came to the brow of a hill and sat down to rest.

This is our favourite spot for entomologising, when the sun outside altogether forbids the least exertion.

But it is too late to begin again now; I was reading Kingsley's Life the other day. He used to overwork himself periodically use up the grey matter at the base of his brain, as he described it; but he had a hundred things that he wanted to do besides writing fishing, entomologising, botanising.

Jose carried the guns, ammunition and game-bags, and I the apparatus for entomologising the insect net, a large leathern bag with compartments for corked boxes, phials, glass tubes, and so forth. It was our custom to start soon after sunrise, when the walk over the campos was cool and pleasant, the sky without a cloud, and the grass wet with dew.

One day as I was entomologising alone and unarmed, in a dry Ygapo, where the trees were rather wide apart and the ground coated to the depth of eight or ten inches with dead leaves, I was near coming into collision with a boa constrictor. I had just entered a little thicket to capture an insect, and while pinning it was rather startled by a rushing noise in the vicinity.

Raimundo and Joaquim now stripped themselves quite naked, and started off in different directions through the forest, going naked in order to move with less noise over the carpet of dead leaves, among which they stepped so stealthily that not the slightest rustle could be heard. The dogs remained in the canoe, in the neighbourhood of which I employed myself two hours entomologising.