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However it was the officer who impatiently broke the silence, swinging his night stick menacingly: "Come on now, me lad, hav' ye lost yer voice entoirely? Spake oop loively whut ther hell are the two ov' yer oop to, onyhow?" She started forward, just a step. "Nothing in the least wrong, officer," her voice trembling slightly, yet sounding clearly distinct.

"On'y a dhrop, Miss," he repeated piteously, "and av ye pleeze, quick! afore I'm stharved with the cold entoirely." She looked at him intently without lowering her gun. "Who are you?" "Thin, it's the truth I'll tell ye, Miss whisth then!" he said in a half-whisper; "I'm a desarter!" "Then it was YOU that was doggin' us on the Marsh?" "It was the sarjint I was lavin', Miss."

Oh, but it's himself that shupported me over the faldes, and whin the chills and faver came on me and I shivered wid the cold, it was himself, God bless him, as sthripped the coat off his back, and giv it me, sayin', 'Take it, Dinnis, it's shtarved with the cowld say air ye'll be entoirely. Ah, but look at him will ye, miss! Look at his swate, modist face a blushin' like your own, miss.

It minds me of a letther her ladyship at the castle aksed me to take to the posht, and her in a hurry; begob, but the paper's thick and good entoirely!" and he rubbed it softly between his finger and thumb. "Shure 'tis from London itself, and maybe the one as wrote it is some friend o' Eily's.

Adding in a stage whisper, which I also could not help overhearing: "An' it's foorst-class he is entoirely a raal broth av a bhoy, sure." "Indeed," said Mr Mackay, smiling at the Irishman's irony at my expense, in return no doubt for my whimsical assumption of dignity when telling him who I was.

"We'll hev a splindid toime of it entoirely. Faith, Oi'll go and git me hair cut, to look like a jintlemin, afore I says yer sisther an' yer fayther and moother!" "I think I'll do the same, Mick," said I. "They haven't seen me in my bluejacket rig yet, and I want to look as smart as I can too!"

"And won't they come out and tackle the naygurs that have been bothering them on the one side, while we pitch into them on the other! We'll double them up and destroy them entoirely." "I doubt if we go at Matammeh before we get reinforcements," said Macintosh. "And what will we want with reinforcements?" asked Grady; "haven't we bate the inimy into fiddle-strings already?"

"Aye, sure, it is him thrue enuff," said Mick, stooping down and raising up the prostrate figure in his arms. "Them murdering thayves hev kilt the poor cap'en entoirely!" Mick's dead man, however, did a most extraordinary thing for one who was supposed to have departed this life. He first sneezed, and then opened his eyes. Next he spoke.

"My blissing on you, doctor! It's the mighty proud man ye'll be entoirely to be saving the life of the swatest woman in the world. And whisha, Sister, if ye have a nip of something neat anywhere handy, faith it isn't my cloth will prevent me from drinking the health of everybody."

Sappy Wood, it's the 'appale' I want, and the grant I'll have, more betoken as the old woman's har-rut and me own is set on it entoirely. Get me the land and I'll give ye the half of it, and it's a bargain!" "But my dear sir, there are some rules in our profession, technical though they may be " "The divel fly away wid yer profession. Sure is it better nor me own?