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I ain't seen annything that happened since Parnell's day that's aroused so much enthusyasm on th' Ar-rchey Road as th' Greek war. 'How goes th' war? says I to young Hogan, 'How goes the war between th' ac-cursed infidel an' th' dog iv a Christian? I says. 'It goes bad, he says.

Thin says he: 'D'ye raymimber me meetin' ye down-town a week ago on Dorney's place, loot? he says. 'Yes, says th' loot. 'D'ye mind what I said thin? he says, 'I don't call it just now, says the loot. 'Well, I just come fr'm a meetin' iv th' Swift Marchin' Club, an' I niver seen so much enthusyasm; an' I says to ye, I says: 'Loot, I says, 'Swift 'll bate him aisy, I says.

Th' enthusyasm iv this counthry, Hinnissy, always makes me think iv a bonfire on an ice-floe. It burns bright so long as ye feed it, an' it looks good, but it don't take hold, somehow, on th' ice." "Well, sir," said Mr. Hennessy, "to think iv th' audacity iv thim Chinymen! It do bate all." "It do that," said Mr. Dooley. "It bates th' wurruld. An' what's it comin' to?

He was fr'm Matsachoosetts, an' says he: 'Don't make a disturbance, he says. 'We've got to create a fav'rable impression here, he says, 'Th' English, he says, 'niver shows enthusyasm, he says. 'Tis regarded as unpolite, he says. 'If ye yell, he says, 'they'll think we want to win, he says, 'an' we didn't come over here to win, he says.

I'm thinkin' iv savin' me enthusyasm f'r th' queen's birthday, whiniver it is that that blessid holiday comes ar-round. Ye see, Hinnissy, Patrick's Day is out iv fashion now. A few years ago ye'd see the Prisident iv th' United States marchin' down Pinnsylvanya Avnoo, with the green scarf iv th' Ancient Ordher on his shoulders an' a shamrock in his hat.