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"I think I do I think I know him better than you do," the marchesa answered, somewhat absently. She was struck by Enrica's exceeding beauty, which seemed within the last few days to have suddenly developed and matured. "The young man appreciates you, too, I do not doubt. I am told he is a lover of beauty." This was added with a sneer. Enrica grew crimson.

"I have not left my room, marchesa, ever since" at last Marescotti left Enrica's side, and approached the marchesa "until an hour ago, when Baldassare" and the count bowed to Adonis, still seated sulky in a corner "came and carried me off in the hope that you would permit me to join your rubber. Had I known" he added, in a lower voice, bending his head toward Enrica.

If you hear it mentioned, contradict it flatly contradict it, on my authority the authority of the Marchesa Guinigi's oldest friend. Nobili will marry Nera Boccarini, and there will be an end of it; and Enrica yes, Baldassare," continued the cavaliere, with an air of immense dignity "yes, to prove to you how ridiculous this report is, Enrica is about to marry also.

Had she not already permitted herself to be too much influenced? She had offered Enrica in marriage to Count Marescotti, and he had refused her refused her niece! Suddenly she shook off the incubus of these thoughts and turned toward Trenta. He had been watching her anxiously. "I can never forgive Enrica," she said. "She may not have disgraced herself that matters little but she has disgraced me.

Enrica was, in truth, but a common mortal, but she looked so fresh, and bright, and young, with such tender, trusting eyes there was such an aureole of purity about her, she might have passed for a virgin saint. As he caught sight of Enrica, the moody expression on Count Nobili's face changed, and broke into a smile. In her presence he forgot the marchesa.

Her eyes were fixed on those of Trenta. She paused again, and passed her white hand slowly one over the other. The cavaliere looked down; he durst not meet her glance, lest she should read his thoughts. Thinking of Enrica at that moment, he absolutely hated her! "What would you advise me to do?" she asked, at last. Her voice fell as she put the question.

Angelo was proud to show his alacrity to his reverence, who had often cuffed him for his mischievous pranks; specially on one occasion, when Fra Pacifico had found him in the act of pushing Gigi stealthily into the marble basin of the fountain, to see if, being small, Gigi would swim like the gold-fish. "Go to the Signorina Enrica, Angelo, and tell her that the marchesa wants her."

As to your political opinions, I have, thank God, nothing to do with them; that is your affair. But in this matter of Enrica you have unjustifiably misled me. I shall not forgive you in a hurry, I can tell you." There was a rustling of anger all over the cavaliere, as the leaves of the forest-trees rustle before the breath of the coming tempest.

Renounce Nobili, or prepare to enter a convent. His wife you can never be." As a shot that strikes a brightly-plumaged bird full in its softly-feathered breast, so did these dreadful words strike Enrica. There is a faint, low cry, she has fallen upon the floor! The marchesa did not move, but, looking at her where she lay, she slowly shook her head. Not so the cavaliere.

Per Bacco! if there had been any thing serious, I should have known it long ago. Who is the lady?" Spite of himself, however, his blue eyes sparkled with curiosity. "The marchesa's niece, Enrica Guinigi." "What!" roared out the cavaliere, striking his stick so violently on the ground that the sound echoed through the solitary street. "Enrica Guinigi, whom I see every day!