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A groan escaped her. Fra Pacifico, accustomed to listen to the almost inaudible sounds of the sick and the dying, heard it. The door opened. Enrica found herself within the room. She made no reply, but looked round vacantly. The light of the lamp, coming suddenly out of the darkness, the finding herself face to face with the marchesa, dazzled and alarmed her.

Again Nobili wound his arms round Enrica and drew her to him with passionate ardor. The thought of Count Marescotti had faded out like a bad dream at daylight. Enrica's blue eyes dimmed with tears. "Oh, do not weep, Enrica!" he cried. "Let the past go, love. Did the marchesa think that bolts and bars, and Adamo, and watch-dogs, would keep Nobili from you?" He gave a merry laugh.

All this time Cavaliere Trenta, radiant in his official costume, his white staff of office in his right hand, had remained standing behind Enrica. Each instant he expected to see her rise, when it would devolve on him to lead her away; but she had not stirred. Now the cavaliere felt that the fitting moment had fully come for Enrica to withdraw.

That sting remained. Enrica had confessed her love for the man she hated! As to the cavaliere, the difficulty he experienced at this moment in controlling his feelings amounted to positive agony. His Enrica is safe! San Riccardo be thanked! She is safe she is pure! Except his eyes, which glowed with the secret ecstasy he felt, he appeared outwardly as impassive as a stone.

Enrica, who had strained her eyes in vain to discover some trace of Nobili in the narrow street below, or in the garden behind his palace, had now thrown herself on the grass under the overhanging branches of the glossy bay-trees. These inclosed her as in a bower.

If the marchesa banished the thought, but it would return, and haunt her like a spectre if not the palace, then at least the name the historic name, revered throughout Italy? Nothing could deprive Enrica of the name that name was in itself a dower.

"The people of Corellia would also offer their respectful homage to her," bravely adds Mr. Sindaco, tempting his fate. "The Lady Enrica is much esteemed here in the town." As he speaks the sindaco gazes in wonder at the muffled figure in the corner. Can this be she? Why does she not move forward and answer? and show her pretty face, and approve the people's greeting?

He ran up to the open door, a letter in his hand. Seeing Enrica sitting on the low wall, he stopped and made her a rustic bow. "Who are you?" Enrica asked, her heart beating wildly. "Illustrissima," and the man bowed again, "I am Giacomo Giacomo protected by his reverence Fra Pacifico. You have heard of Giacomo?" Enrica shook her head impatiently. "Surely you are the Signorina Enrica?"

They will not tell me what I want to know. They cannot come from your very soul like those. The power to divine is gone from you." Enrica could hardly restrain her tears. "I am very sorry," answered the count, "but I could not help it; I did it unconsciously."

Again she stopped. "Speak speak, my child," he answered; "tell me all that is in your mind." Before she could reply, the count and Baldassare reappeared, accompanied by the porter of the Guinigi Palace and the keys. "Are you sure you would rather not return home again, Enrica? You have only to turn the corner, remember," asked Trenta, looking at her with anxious affection.