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W. Arnold, Verfassungsgeschichte der deutschen Freistadte, 1854, Bd. ii. 227 seq.; Ennen, Geschichte der Stadt Koeln, Bd. i. 228-229; also the documents published by Ennen and Eckert. Conquest of England, 1883, p. 453. Byelaeff, Russian History, vols. ii. and iii. W. Gramich, Verfassungsund Verwaltungsgeschichte der Stadt Wurzburg im 13. bis zum 15. Jahrhundert, Wurzburg, 1882, p. 34.

Leonard Ennen, Der Dom zu Koln, Historische Einleitung, Koln, 1871, pp. 46, 50. See previous chapter. Kofod Ancher, Om gamle Danske Gilder og deres Undergang, Copenhagen, 1785. Statutes of a Knu guild. Upon the position of women in guilds, see Miss Toulmin Smith's introductory remarks to the English Guilds of her father. In medieval times, only secret aggression was treated as a murder.

A. Babeau, La ville sous l'ancien regime, Paris, 1880. Ennen, Geschichte der Stadt Koln, i. 491, 492, also texts. Likeness and diversity among the medieval cities. The craftguilds: State-attributes in each of them. Attitude of the city towards the peasants; attempts to free them. The lords. Results achieved by the medieval city: in arts, in learning. Causes of decay.

L. Ennen, Der Dom zu Koln, seine Construction und Anstaltung, Koln, 1871. The three statues are among the outer decorations of Notre Dame de Paris. Mediaeval art, like Greek art, did not know those curiosity shops which we call a National Gallery or a Museum. A picture was painted, a statue was carved, a bronze decoration was cast to stand in its proper place in a monument of communal art.