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In New York, for instance, the Bogardus blood is quite as good as the Bevier or the Broderick or the Van Elten; but up the Hudson, owing to those chances or mischances that selected our farming aristocracy for us, my father's people had slipped out of their holdings and sunk to the poor artisan class which the old Dutch landowners held in contempt." "We are not landowners," said Moya.

The old home was there, for her and for her children, but no home for the traitor, as he called father. She must give him up even to his name. No Bogardus could inherit of a Van Elten. "She had not then lost all hope of father's return, and she never forgave her father for trying to buy her back for the price of what she considered her birthright.

What has become of little Emily Van Elten who ran away with her father's hired man? What has become of the freighter's wife?" "She is all mother now. She brought us back to the world, and for our sakes she has learned to take her place in it. Herself she has buried." "Yes; but which is was herself?" "And you cannot see her story in her face?" "Not that story."

A document of the same kind, to which great importance has been attached is found in the Recreations mathematiques published at Rouen in 1628, under the pseudonym of Van Elten, and reprinted several times since, with the annotations and additions of Mydorge and Hamion and which must, it appears, be attributed to the Jesuit Leurechon.

"Still, if we have such a thing in this country as class, then you and I do not belong to the same class except by virtue of Uncle Jacob's money. Confess you are glad I am a Bevier and a Broderick and a Van Elten, as well as a Bogardus." "I shall confess nothing of the kind.

"Old Abraham Van Elten was too much cumbered up with this world to get quit of it as easy as some. If his spirit is burdened with a message to anybody it's to her. He died unreconciled to her, and she inherited all this place in spite of him, as you may say. I've come as near believin' in such things since the goings on up there in that room"

There is Evelyn Cardwell; she came out when I did; and there comes Sandon Craig with a very old lady there, in that old-fashioned coach oh, it is Mrs. Jan Van Elten, senior. What a very, very quaint old lady! I have been presented at court," she added, with a little laugh, "and now all the law has been fulfilled."

He was a vigorous, heavy-set man, a grand field for typhoid. But he prospered, and the young doctor was turned down with the full weight and breadth of the Van Elten thumb, or the Broderick; Abraham's build was that of his maternal grandmother, Hillotje Broderick.