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After writing his "De l'écriture hiératique des anciens égyptiens" at Paris, he produced in 1824 in two volumes, his "Précis du système hiéroglyphique des anciens égyptiens," on which his fame largely depends, as he was the first to furnish any practical system of deciphering the symbolic writing, which was to disclose to the waiting world Egyptian history, literature, and civilisation.

Amélineau, La Morale des Egyptiens, p. 64. "The Social Evil in Philadelphia," Arena, March, 1896. Moll, Konträre Sexualempfindung, third edition, p. 592. This powerlessness of the law and the police is well recognized by lawyers familiar with the matter. Girls are not even prepared, in many cases, for the appearance of the pubic hair.

M. Legrain has now explained this as a model of the machine used to raise heavy stones from tier to tier of a pyramid or other building, and illustrations of the method of its use may be found in Choisy's Art de Bâtir chez les anciens Egyptiens. There is little doubt that this primitive machine is that to which Herodotus refers as having been used in the erection of the pyramids.

Though he succeeded in defining several groups of characters of the people's writing, like Akerblad, by comparison, he, even as late as 1821, in his essay on hieroglyphics, entitled "De l'Écriture hiératique des Anciens Égyptiens," declares them to be symbolical signs and figures. But he knew of Young's successful comparisons with Greek names; and when Mr.

'C'est justement les Anglais, he wrote, 'avec leur absurde politique, qui minent desormais le commerce de toutes ces cotes. Ils ont voulu tout remanier et ils sont arrives a faire pire que les Egyptiens et les Turcs, ruines par eux.