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After we are assured that the reduction is complete, a strictorium is prepared, consisting of the pulvis ruber, egg-albumen and a little wheat flour, with which the shoulder is to be rubbed. After a few days, Gilbert tells us, the patient will himself often try to flex and extend the arm, and the bandage should be so applied as not to interfere with these movements.

As a rule, the fistula is dilated by a tent of alder-pith, mandragora, briony or gentian, the lining membrane destroyed by an ointment of quick-lime or even the actual cautery, and the wound then dressed with egg-albumen followed by the unguentum viride. Necrosed bone is to be removed, if necessary, by deep incisions, and decayed teeth are to be extracted.

Over the wound is placed a bit of linen moistened with egg-albumen, then a dressing of lint, and the whole is maintained in place by a suitable bandage. Finally the patient is to be laid in bed and maintained in such a position that the wound will be dependent, so as to favor the ready escape of the discharges. This dressing is to be renewed three times a day in summer, and twice in winter.

Mere cooking is not enough, but good cooking is essential. Experiments. Experiments with the Proteids. Experiment 31. As a type of the group of proteids we take the white of egg, egg-white or egg-albumen. Break an egg carefully, so as not to mix the white with the yolk. Drop about half a teaspoonful of the raw white of egg into half a pint of distilled water.

Then four pieces of lint wet in egg-albumen are to be placed around the arm on all sides, a bandage, four fingers wide, also moistened in albumen is to be snugly applied, another dry bandage placed above this, and finally splints fastened in position by cords. This dressing is to remain undisturbed for three days, and then renewed every third day for nine days.