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It iss true I haf a little in de beginning. It iss three year ago. I know some English I haf learn in sailing once to England, for de Finns go eferyvere to sail. I am not helpless so, and I am large and strong, and soon I go to de many, many china-stores so many, I say, dat can nefer be to vant vork and in one dey take me.

And alvays I see my own hungry! I dink I could kill myself; but dat helps not, and I go avay, oh, eferyvere about New York, and beg for vork. And den eferyvere it iss said, 'He is a tramp, and alvays dey tell me, 'No, ve gif not to tramps. Go to vere you came from. I say, 'I am not tramps. My children are hungry. Gif me vork: I vant to eat for dem not money, but to eat if you vill.

Oh, I know dat vord, and ven he has talked so much at last he say he vill write a paper and gif me one hundred dollar, and make me a foreman ven he shall make dem. For he says, 'It iss vat all ladies vill vant so soft to make clean in de beautiful cabinets, and de china on de vall so as dey hang it in great houses. Vid its handle for stiffness, den de soft tail vill go eferyvere and nefer break.

It may be God iss not anyvere. So I come back, and I find dat my little Brita iss sick so sick she cannot vork and Brita my vife; she sew all she can, but it iss not enough. I go on de docks once more. 'No vork! no vork! It iss de vord eferyvere.