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"An auld done rickle: I've seen a better barn i' the Lothians, and fancy me tryin' to let on that it's a kind o' Edinbro'! Sirs! sirs!

'Ou, wha kens where ony o' them is now? puir things, they're sair ta'en doun for their white cockades and their white roses; but she gaed north to her father's in Perthshire, when the government troops cam back to Edinbro'. There was some prettymen amang them, and ane Major Whacker was quartered on me, a very ceevil gentleman, but O, Mr.

Or, perhaps, he would be shown some rich token of his love that had come for Christine; or David would say, "There's the 'Edinbro' News, James; it cam fra Donald this morn; tak it hame wi' you. You're welcome."

But, Lord! as the gudewife set up her throat about it, and said what a shame it wad be if ye was to come to ony wrang, an I could help ye; and then in cam your letter that confirmed it. So I took to the kist, and out wi' the pickle notes in case they should be needed, and a' the bairns ran to saddle Dumple. By great luck I had taen the other beast to Edinbro', sae Dumple was as fresh as a rose.

'Ou, wha kens where ony o' them is now? puir things, they're sair ta'en doun for their white cockades and their white roses; but she gaed north to her father's in Perthshire, when the government troops cam back to Edinbro'. There was some prettymen amang them, and ane Major Whacker was quartered on me, a very ceevil gentleman, but O, Mr.

He was a sandy-haired, blue-eyed, hardy-looking Scotchman, gentlemanly in his carriage, and bearing upon his visible character the stamp of Edinbro' colleges and of Calvinistic sincerity. He wore the Highland cap or bonnet, a belted blouse, knickerbockers, long gray stockings, and heavy-soled shoes. "Well, Mrs. Macgregor," said Adam, giving the name a joyful burr in his throat, "my sweethairt.

I hope ye'll no' gainsay the loyalty or the courage of the 55th, and I feel convinced that a council of war would decide on the propriety of a surrender forthwith. Na, na, Pathfinder, foolhardiness is na mair like the bravery o' Wallace or Bruce than Albany on the Hudson is like the old town of Edinbro'." "As each of us seems to have made up his mind, Quartermaster, more words are useless.

'Ou, wha kens where ony o' them is now? puir things, they're sair ta'en doun for their white cockades and their white roses; but she gaed north to her father's in Perthshire, when the government troops cam back to Edinbro'. There was some prettymen amang them, and ane Major Whacker was quartered on me, a very ceevil gentleman, but O, Mr.

Other things and persons were also attended to. Mr Ohlsen, the second mate, and Harmer, the seaman who had had his leg broken when thrown against the bulwarks and who, by the way, had the injured limb excellently set by Mr Macdougall, who had passed through a hospital course in "Edinbro' Toon," he told us were brought up from the cabin in their cots, being both invalids.

From her I heard and learned by ear "The Douglas Tragedy," "Fine Flowers in the Valley," "Edinbro'," and many others, and became completely enamored of the wild beauty of the Scotch ballads, the terror and pity of their stories, and the strange, sweet, mournful music to which they were told.