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But ye'll no be the waur o' something to eat, I trow; it's getting late at e'en I tell'd the folk at the Change, where I put up Dumple, to send ower my supper here, and the chield Mac-Guffog is agreeable to let it in I hae settled a' that. And now let's hear your story Whisht, Wasp, man! wow but he's glad to see you, poor thing!"

Brown was of opinion that this apparition of five or six men, with whom the other villains seemed to join company, coming across the moss towards them, should abridge ceremony; he therefore mounted Dumple en croupe, and the little spirited nag cantered away with two men of great size and strength, as if they had been children of six years old.

'Had we not better, said Brown, 'dismount, and leave him to his fate; or can you not urge him through the swamp? 'Na, na, said his pilot, 'we maun cross Dumple at no rate, he has mair sense than mony a Christian. So saying, he relaxed the reins, and shook them loosely. 'Come now, lad, take your ain way o't, let's see where ye'll take us through.

Dumple, left to the freedom of his own will, trotted briskly to another part of the latch, less promising, as Brown thought, in appearance, but which the animal's sagacity or experience recommended as the safer of the two, and where, plunging in, he attained the other side with little difficulty.

'Have a care o' me, said Dinmont, 'but this is the queerest thing yet! Od, I trust they'll no coup us. And then what's to come o' Dumple? I would rather be on his back than in the Deuke's coach, God bless him.

"Is the horse steady?" asked his aunt, anxiously. "Dumple? To be sure! Never does wrong! do you, old fellow?" said Alex, patting his old friend. "And no lamps?" "O, we know the way blindfold, and you might cross Sutton Heath a dozen times without meeting anything but a wheelbarrow-full of peat." "And how is the road now? It used to be very bad in my time."

Amid this bustle Brown was fain to secure Wasp from the other dogs, who, with ardour corresponding more to their own names than to the hospitable temper of their owner, were much disposed to use the intruder roughly. In about a minute a stout labourer was patting Dumple, and introducing him into the stable, while Mrs.

'Had we not better, said Brown, 'dismount, and leave him to his fate; or can you not urge him through the swamp? 'Na, na, said his pilot, 'we maun cross Dumple at no rate, he has mair sense than mony a Christian. So saying, he relaxed the reins, and shook them loosely. 'Come now, lad, take your ain way o't, let's see where ye'll take us through.

"If I had guessed it," said Uncle Roger; "but then, you know, any of my boys would think nothing of driving Dumple, even Dick I have trusted, and they came up you should have seen them as confidently as if he had been driving four-in-hand every day of his life. Upon my word your daughter has a tolerable spirit of her own, if she knew that he could not drive."

Besides, I behooved to be round the hirsel this morning and see how the herds were coming on; they're apt to be negligent wi' their footballs, and fairs, and trysts, when ane's away. And there I met wi' Tarn o' Todshaw, and a wheen o' the rest o' the billies on the water side; they're a' for a fox-hunt this morning, ye'll gang? I 'll gie ye Dumple, and take the brood mare mysell.