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Wrote dramas, children's books, and one or two novels, including Susan Hopley , and Lilly Dawson , but is chiefly remembered for her Night-side of Nature , a collection of stories of the supernatural. Though somewhat morbid she had considerable talent. Historian and novelist, s. of an officer in the army, b. near Southampton, and ed. at Trinity Coll., Dublin.

Sidney sat down on the edge of the railing; but she was careful, Christine saw, to face the staircase. There was silence on the balcony. Christine sewed; Sidney sat and swung her feet idly. "Dr. Ed says Max wants you to give up your training and marry him now." "I'm not going to marry him at all, Chris." Upstairs, K.'s door slammed. It was one of his failings that he always slammed doors.

19 "Looser sort of Christians"; among Christians there are gradations of character. Some are fixed upon the Saviour, and can say, "For me to live is Christ." Such decision ensures safety and happiness; while the looser sort are subject to many sorrows and continual danger. May we press on towards the mark. "Lord, I believe, help thou my unbelief." Ed.

What did Lord Charlemont learn in his travels, except that there was a snake in one of the pyramids of Egypt?" Macaulay's Essays, ed. 1843, i. 403. 'Johnson was no master of the great science of human nature. He had studied, not the genus man, but the species Londoner.

He was down there "on a little Sunday jaunt" of forty miles the best legs and the best brain that ever worked together in one anatomy. A conquering New Year that's what you'll find, begun before this reaches you, carrying all good wishes from Yours affectionately, To Edwin A. Alderman Garden City, New York, January 26, 1913. MY DEAR ED ALDERMAN: This has been "Board" week, as you know.

Sandy's been telling me about your work here. And Ed too. Do you intend to settle in Algonquin?" "I hope not, sir, not permanently at least." "That's right. Algonquin's a fine place to have in the background of one's life, but it's rather small for any expansion. Did you know I've had an eye on you since you were up north last winter?" "On me?" cried Roderick amazed. "Yes, just on you."

On the whole, the campaign helped Lawyer Ed materially, in the hard days preceding the parting with his boy. After all, there was nothing so dear to his Irish heart as a fight, and the rounding up of his troops before the battle kept him busy and happy. And everything was pointing to victory.

The woods all around had on their marvellous autumn tints, and now the sun added a living lustre to them that made the landscape more brilliant than anything the artist had ever seen before. "Ye gods!" he cried enthusiastically, "that scene is worth coming from England to have one glimpse of." "See here," said the driver, "if you want to catch Ed.

9 The rain is taken from the sea by water-spouts or in vapour; it is wonderfully distilled, and descends upon the earth in fertilizing showers which supply the rivers. In proportion to the rain or melting of the snow, is the quantity of water in the rivers. Bunyan was taught all this phenomena of nature, by a single verse in the inspired volume which he quotes. Ed.

When I'd got over the fust shock and had counted the money three times, I commenced to ask questions. "'Somebody die and will you a million, Ed? I wanted to know. "'No, says he. 'It's the reward of virtue. I'm goin' to be a better man. I'm jinin' the men's club. "'NO! says I, for Ed was as strong a billiard-roomer as Bije. "'Sure! he answers.