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After the venez-y voir had fixed all eyes as desired, the lady turning alternately to Colonels Topham and Beauclerk, with rapid gestures of ecstasy, exclaimed, "The pouf! the pouf! Oh! on Wednesday I shall have the pouf!" Now what manner of thing a pouf! might be, I had not the slightest conception.

At Smith's Bank he found that he had sixty-three thousand francs of hers. 'You dear, she murmured in ecstasy, and actually pressed a light kiss on his ear in the presence of the bank clerk! 'You let me keep the three thousand? she pleaded, like a charming child. So he let her keep the three thousand. The sixty thousand was banked in her name.

Does it not mean a deeper heart, the heart of your own self, not of your body? of the self that suffers, not pain, but misery? of the self whose end is not comfort, or enjoyment, but blessedness, yea, ecstasy? a heart which is the inmost chamber wherein springs the divine fountain of your being? a heart which God regards, though you may never have known its existence, not even when its writhings under the gnawing of the moth and the slow fire of the rust have communicated a dull pain to that outer heart which sends the blood to its appointed course through your body?

Oh, Bud has got him, I know he's got him!" she whispered over and over to herself in an ecstasy of hope. "My little Lovin Man! He's up there right now with his Daddy Bud " A vague anger stirred faintly, flared, died almost, flared again and burned steadily within her. Bud had her Lovin Child! How did he come to have him, then, unless he stole him?

As he awakens he performs the holy cleansing; and in a transport of ecstasy, he exclaimed: "O Allah! Softened by this spectacle, he worships incessantly the rich and liberal hand of Providence, which is everywhere seen occupied with the welfare of the human race.

He turned to the wolf and dropped his hand upon the animal's shoulder. Fenris started, then quivered in ecstasy. "I wish I had your nose, to-night, old boy," Ben told him. "I'd find that old buddy of mine. I wish I had your eyes to see in the dark, and your legs to run. Fenris, do you know where he is?" The wolf turned his wild eyes toward his master's face, as if he were trying to understand.

"Mary, I vow to you, as I stand here," said Robin, for the fiftieth time, leading her nearer to the treacherous hedge, as he pressed her trembling hand, and gazed with deep ecstasy into her truthful eyes, "I will live only to deserve you, darling. I will give up everything and everybody in the world, and start afresh.

The water of the streams was pure and clear as crystal, the scent of the flowers was refreshing as well as sweet. "Letty looked about her in a happiness too great for words the sight and feeling of this lovely garden were for the poor tired and dulled little girl, ecstasy past telling.

To experience this glamour and witchery of the flowering-time of the year, one must, perforce, be in the country. For in the towns, the breath of Spring is foetid and feverish, it arouses sick longings and weary regrets, but scarcely any positive ecstasy.

"We will consider it and let you know in a few weeks," he said. Then he shook hands with Keineth and Peggy. "And if you write anything more, please bring it to us." "Oh, Peg, wouldn't it be grand if I could sell lots?" cried Keineth later, in an ecstasy of ambition. "If I wasn't on the street I'd whoop," and Peggy squeezed her friend's arm. "Why, Ken maybe you'll be a master!"