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For ages man lived with nature as one aspect of an evolving ecological balance. Civilization's basic unit the city as it sprawls, cuts off man from more and more contacts with the earth and its multitudinous life forms; with fresh air, sunshine, starshine; with nature's sequences day and night, the procession of the seasons; with the birth, growth, death animating so many of nature's aspects.

But he's concerned about some garbled story getting to Terra about our upsetting the ecological balance and causing droughts. Fact is, I'm rather concerned myself." He knew what was worrying both of them. Emmert was afraid the Federation Colonial Office would blame him for drawing fire on them from the conservationists.

There were trees, and birds, and various other commonplace living things whose forebears had been dumped on Darth some centuries before. The ecological system had worked itself out strictly by hit-or-miss, but the result was not unfamiliar.

Taking up again our metaphor of the sieve we can assert that in such cases climate and soil exercise sifting action and in this way the application of the metaphor becomes more definite. Of course, next to the climate and soil in importance, come ecological conditions, the vegetable and animal enemies of the plants and other influences of the same nature.

Last week the crewmen sold me their land. Phoebe's a lovely place quite a bit like Flora and the ecological tests show it's capable of supporting mammalian life. Just before I came here I sent three shiploads of exterminators to clean it up and make it ready for us. It should be ready in two years." "What sort of an ecology are you exterminating?" Jordan asked.

While a few of the rivers were in a nearly chemically pure state, most of them were already filling with the plankton and algae that would form the base of the major ecological experiments, some with fresh water as their medium, others using sea water, complete with its normal micro-organisms supplemented from the tanks of concentrate that Dr. Millie Williams had brought aboard.

130-263 From: Explorations Officer, Sector Nine To: Ecological Officer Subject: Incident Report Enclosed is the file on that recent occurrence on Planet 3-G3-9/4871, consisting of the certificates and statements of the various officers and guardsmen concerned, together with a digest of the interrogation of Elwar Forell, a young planetary native, who appears to have been the instigator.

World authority, to be effective and reasonably stable, must be equipped with sufficient delegated powers to maintain orderly and decent relations between its members, establish peace, and carry out policies necessary to provide and promote ecological and sociological welfare. To achieve such results it must have a built-in balance between central authority and local-regional self-determination.

It used, in a way, the principle of those lateral wells which in dry climates gather water too scarce to collect in merely vertical holes. They went on and on, admiring and amazed. All about them were curiosities of adaptation, freaks of ecological adjustment, marvels of symbiotic cooperation. A botanist would have swooned with joy at the material all about. A biologist would have babbled happily.

Cochrane was a television producer, and Holden was a psychiatrist, and Babs was a highly efficient secretary. They did not make scientific observations. The ecological system of the valley escaped their notice.