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At his approach, Ben and Betty became lazily interested and raised their long ears to the front; Simon advanced a little and took a determined stand beside Dallas, who hung her lines on the plow-handles and prepared to greet the horseman. The instant he reached her, he halted abruptly beside the mules and bared his head.

She was not, therefore, by any means predisposed in favour of this young man; and when he spoke of his desire to be explicit, she thought that he had better be explicit anywhere rather than in her drawing-room. 'You may remember, he said, 'that I had the pleasure of meeting your daughter here before I left the country five years ago. Then she listened with all her ears.

Oliver caught her in his arms and kissed her, whispering in her ears the joyous news with her cheek close to his; and Margaret looked from one to the other, and then put her arms around Richard and kissed him without a word the first time she had ever dared so much. Oh, but there were joyous times that followed! Mrs.

During that interval known as recess, she became aware through the open window that they were playing a new game outside. Lusty screeches of delight reached her ears. "Jump!" a voice ordered. "Jump!" "I don't want to," returned another voice, uneasily. "You said you would," said several. "Didn't he say he would? Ah, he said he would. Jump now, quick!"

The fashion of the eighteenth-century permitted even the great and classical genius of Pope to hurl lines at the persons of his opponents that, to modern ears, scarcely bear quotation. It is against the Minister, and not the man, that the hot-blooded Opposition dramatist directs his humour and his irony.

They sound much more aggressive than other trams I have heard, or else it is because my ears are tired tonight. There are double windows, though, which will shut out the noise while I'm practising and also shut it in.

King Solomon had the "second sight" that means the deeper sight, the magic eyesight which made him see through a stone wall, or read men's thoughts. King Solomon had fayland ears; which means, he could hear all sounds from A to Z; while common ears, like yours and mine, hear only the middle sounds from K to Q.

So he despaired just as Tige did the night the mill fell about his ears, in full confidence that the world had come to an end now, without hope of salvation, crawling out of his cellar in dumb amazement, when the sun rose as usual the next morning.

Standing in the middle of the room, a grim, commanding figure in his flowing green robes, the dim light flashing upon the great diamonds in his belt, stood Prince Shan. To Maggie at that moment came a great throbbing in her ears, a sense of remoteness from this terrible happening, followed by an intense and vital consciousness of danger.

He was half-hoping, half-fearing that it might be a bear, or a big Canadian lynx with dreadful eyes and tufted ears. But before any of these more formidable wonders arrived he heard a sound of rushing of eager, desperate flight. Then a rabbit came into view he felt sure it was one of the two who appeared at the beginning of his watch.