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Her mother was proud of her beauty and her supposed learning, and loved, when she looked up from her work, to let her eyes rest upon her tall and handsome child, whose cheeks were flushed with eager interest as she bent her graceful head over her book. But Saul Matchin nourished a vague anger and jealousy against her.

The fellow had by this time taken such a survey of the group, as convinced him that little danger was to be apprehended from resistance, and, eager to seize his share of the plunder, he dropped his musket, and was soon busy with the assistance of his men, in arranging divers articles of plate in bags. The cottage now presented a singular spectacle.

The windows were crowded with eager, curious women, who threw flowers before the approaching train, or poured sweet perfumes from above as they passed by.

I doubt if you will have to do anything in these characters beyond looking eager and answering merely yes and no to such questions as I may put."

At sixteen minutes to five Mr Beveridge stood by the side of the Clankwood Avenue, comfortably wrapped in Dr Escort’s fur coat, and smoking with the greatest relish one of Dr Escott’s undeniable cigars. It was almost dark, the air bit keen, the dim park with its population of black trees was filled with a frosty, eager stillness.

She motioned Susan to her bedside, for she could only whisper; and then, while the father was out of the room, she spoke as much to the eager, hungering eyes of her daughter by the motion of her lips, as by the slow, feeble sounds of her voice. "Susan, lass, thou must not fret. It is God's will, and thou wilt have a deal to do.

"Pardon me if I ask one more," said the Indian, who was eager to gain information on the subject. "What were they doing when they lifted the wafer above their heads?" "They were then offering up to God the great sacrifice, the real body and blood of His dear Son." "Christ was once offered up as a sacrifice for sinners on the cross," said the Indian; "surely they cannot offer Him again?"

Every man's occupation should be beneficial to his fellow-man as well as profitable to himself. All else is vanity and folly. In the "good old times," people were just as eager after money as they are now; and a great deal more vulgar, unscrupulous, and foolish in their endeavors to get it.

What she had been saying reached him somehow, it seemed, though he had not heard the words themselves. Still hesitating, he was yet so eager to hear. Already he felt she meant to include him in her purposes, and that in the end he must go willingly. So strong was her persuasion on his mind. And he felt as if he knew vaguely what was coming.

The interest in the expected legislation was so great that members began to arrive at half-past five in the morning, while sixty of them were so eager to secure seats that they breakfasted at Westminster. Mr. Gladstone's new measure was not only opposed by the Conservatives, but it alienated from the Premier some of the most influential of the Liberal party.