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I was rejuced aftherward, but, no matther, I was a Corp'ril wanst. "Well, this Sweethearts' business wint on like most amshure theatricals, an' barrin' fwhat I suspicioned, 'twasn't till the dhress-rehearsal that I saw for certain that thim two he the blackguard, an' she no wiser than she should ha' been had put up an evasion." "A what?" said I. "E-vasion! Fwhat you call an elopemint.

'But the Capt'n niver said a single wurrd. He choked where he stud, an' thin he went into his thrap widout sayin' good-night, an' I wint back to barricks. 'And then? said Ortheris and I together. 'That was all, said Mulvaney; 'niver another word did I hear av the whole thing. All I know was that there was no e-vasion, an' that was fwhat I wanted.

"But the Capt'n never said a single wurrd. He choked where he stud, an' thin he went into his thrap widout sayin' good-night, an' I wint back to barricks." "And then?" said Ortheris and I together. "That was all," said Mulvaney, "niver another word did I hear av the whole thing. All I know was that there was no e-vasion, an' that was fwhat I wanted.

E-vasion I calls it, bekaze, exceptin' whin 'tis right an' natural an' proper, 'tis wrong an' dhirty to steal a man's wan child she not knowin' her own mind. There was a Sargint in the Comm'ssariat who set my face upon e-vasions. I'll tell you about that 'Stick to the bloomin' Captains, Mulvaney, said Ortheris; 'Comm'ssariat Sargints is low. Mulvaney accepted the amendment and went on:

While she packed, I stud outside an' sweated, for I was wanted for to shif the second scene. I tell you, a young gurl's e-vasion manes as much baggage as a rig'mint on the line av march! "Saints help Dennis's springs," thinks I, as I bundled the stuff into the thrap, "for I'll have no mercy!" "I'm comin' too," says the ayah. "No, you don't," sez I, "later pechy! You baito where you are.

I was rejuced aftherwards, but, no matther, I was a Corp'ril wanst. 'Well, this Sweethearts' business wint on like most amshure theatricals, an' barrin' fwhat I suspicioned, 'twasn't till the dhress-rehearsal that I saw for certain that thim two he the blackguard, an' she no wiser than she should ha' been had put up an evasion. 'A what? said I. 'E-vasion! Fwhat you call an elopemint.

E-vasion I calls it, bekaze, exceptin' whin 'tis right an' natural an' proper, 'tis wrong an' dhirty to steal a man's wan child, she not knowin' her own mind. There was a Sargint in the Comm'ssariat who set my face upon e-vasions. I'll tell you about that" "Stick to the bloomin' Captains, Mulvaney," said Ortheris; "Comm'ssariat Sargints is low." Mulvaney accepted the amendment and went on:

While she packed, I stud outside an' sweated, for I was wanted for to shif' the second scene. I tell you, a young gurl's e-vasion manes as much baggage as a rig'mint on the line av march! 'Saints help Dennis's springs, thinks I, as I bundled the stuff into the thrap, 'for I'll have no mercy! "'I'm comin' too, says the ayah. "'No, you don't, sez I, 'later pechy! You baito where you are.