United States or Algeria ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

For the purpose of increasing the revenue, and without changing or modifying the rates imposed by the act of 1846 on the dutiable articles embraced by its provisions, I again recommend to your favorable consideration the expediency of levying a revenue duty on tea and coffee.

The whole importing trade was incessantly and cohesively thriving upon this form of fraud. In his annual report for 1874, Henry C. Johnson, United States Commissioner of Customs, estimated that tourists returning from Europe yearly smuggled in as personal effects 257,810 trunks filled with dutiable goods valued at the enormous sum of $128,905,000.

Two or three times, at intervals, the officer asked me if I had anything dutiable about me, and seemed more and more put out and disappointed every time I told him no. Finally a passenger whom I had helped through asked me to come out and take something. I thanked him, but excused myself, saying I had taken a whisky just before I came ashore. "It was a fatal admission.

In fact, most knew nothing about their existence. But their alacrity was connected with quite another matter the great cargo of dutiable and undutied goods stored away in the cellars of Marnhoul! There was stirring, therefore, in remote farms, rattling on doors, hurried scrambling up and down stable ladders.

It was in the heart of the negro porter to cause us alarm by the intelligence that the customs officer would, search our baggage during the night. A search is a blow to one's self-respect, especially if one has anything dutiable. But as the porter might be an agent of our government in disguise, we preserved an appearance of philosophical indifference in his presence.

I know that the "sporting instinct" a curious combination of the various instincts for fresh air, destruction, physical prowess, emulation, devotion, and betting is tolerably strong in America. I could name a list of American sports as long as the list of dutiable articles in the customs tariff. I know that no residence there is complete without its lawn-tennis court.

We have but one measure to give to those who trade with us the just measure of equality, and there can be no better measure than that. We are charged with pedantry in dealing with the Colonial Conference, through not making some concession upon existing dutiable articles.

The officer at once made me pay sixpence import-duty on the whisky-just from ship to shore, you see; and he fined me L5 for not declaring the goods, another L5 for falsely denying that I had anything dutiable about me, also L5 for concealing the goods, and L50 for smuggling, which is the maximum penalty for unlawfully bringing in goods under the value of sevenpence ha'penny.

There were but two methods of maintaining control of this question open to Congress to place all of these articles upon the dutiable list, subject to such treaty agreements as could be secured, or to place them all presently upon the free list, but subject to the reimposition of specified duties if the countries from which we received them should refuse to give to us suitable reciprocal benefits.

He did not need a great deal, he said which was, indeed, the case but he did need some, and for the Hornet's safety he must have it. After this, with cheerful compliments, and the perfunctory declaration on his part that there was nothing dutiable on board, the officers left him, greatly pleased with his courtesy, saluted by the sailors standing at the gangway as they left the ship's side.