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A certain M. de Saint-Mihiel published an 8vo volume in 1791, at Strasbourg and Paris, entitled 'Le veritable homme, dit au MASQUE DE FER, ouvrage dans lequel on fait connaitre, sur preuves incontestables, a qui le celebre infortune dut le jour, quand et ou il naquit'. The wording of the title will give an idea of the bizarre and barbarous jargon in which the whole book is written.

More music, after which Laura Bentley, a pretty little vision in white cloud effects, with yards of pink ribbon for the sunshine, stepped to the platform, made her bow and launched into the valedictory. "And now," called Old Dut from the audience, "the old eighth grade is no more. The exercises are over. I thank all who have contributed to make this occasion so pleasant."

"And just because to-morrow will be Monday," retorted Dave, "Old Dut will expect us to bring in those fifteen examples in insurance." "We'll be all past that, by afternoon," Dan broke in. "Then, as soon as the bell rings to dismiss school, we'll all pile outside and have a ripping practice on the diamond." "Yes; we'll have to get a lot of practice," Dick assented.

For aught of evidence that may be presented, Master Hazelton may be a very excellent cook. Only his late camping comrades really know and I'm certain they won't expose him. Attention! Turn to page 46 of your singing books." After the singing exercises had been finished Old Dut announced: "Master Reade and Miss Kimball will pass around with this composition paper.

F.'s companion, went a Party to Windsor during the absence of The Family fm. Windsor; and going to see a cold Bath, Miss P. expressed a great wish to bathe this hot weather. The D. of C. very imprudently pushed her in, and the Dut. of C. having the presence of mind to throw out the Rope saved her when in such a disagreeable State from fear and surprise as to be near sinking. Mrs.

E. Dutton Jones followed him up persistently, and at last a hard blow stretched the thief on the ground. "Don't try to get up," Old Dut warned the fellow, "until I announce that I am ready for you." With that the principal put on his coat once more, while Dave, with a very respectful air, passed the principal's hat. "Now, you may get up," nodded Old Dut. "Put on your hat and coat." Mr.

"See no reason why you can't represent this school in an athletic meet a day or two after graduation," said Old Dut, when asked about it. "If the North Grammar boys believe they excel at that sport, they should be given a chance. Naturally they are disappointed over finding themselves at the bottom of the list in baseball." "Go after 'em to-day, Dick!" yelled the boys.

"We'll talk it over with the fellows, and with Old Dut also," Dick went on. "Of course we have no right to act for the school unless the other fellows are willing." When Dick left his chums at noon it was with an agreement to meet on Main Street again at half past one. At fifteen minutes past one the telephone bell rang in the little bookstore.

Hedin interrupted him, speaking crisply. "I mean that this paper, as you will note, is a power of attorney which gives me authority to transact any and all business for Mr. McNabb, concerning the purchase of certain pulp-wood lands." "Dut, man!" cried Cameron excitedly. Ignoring the interruption, Hedin continued. "And I hereby, in the presence of Mr.

He arranged little booklets, each of 12 pages, on which a syllable such as lod, zan, mep, dut, yib, and so on was printed in the middle of each page. Each of his 50 subjects glanced over the book and then wrote down what syllables remained in memory.