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"He made yer out'n dut," said Uncle Bob. "Now, what'd he make yer out'n?" "Dut," answered Jim, promptly, and the old man passed on to the next. "What'd he make yer fur?" Again the answer was, "I dunno, sar;" and the old man, after scratching his head and reflecting a moment, said, "Fur ter do de bes' yer kin," which the child repeated after him.

A certain M. de Saint-Mihiel published an 8vo volume in 1791, at Strasbourg and Paris, entitled 'Le veritable homme, dit au MASQUE DE FER, ouvrage dans lequel on fait connaitre, sur preuves incontestables, a qui le celebre infortune dut le jour, quand et ou il naquit'. The wording of the title will give an idea of the bizarre and barbarous jargon in which the whole book is written.

Mr. Winthrop wired the Haynes Company, placing an order for the best of uniforms, provided they could be finished to be delivered this afternoon. And here they are." "When do you youngsters play?" called out Brown laughingly. "To-day or some other day?" "I would recommend you to make good time," Old Dut urged. "You don't want to start the season by being late, do you.

At three o'clock Old Put announced: "If Captain Prescott so desires, he may withdraw now with his team, in order to have time to dress and get oiled up on the diamond." "I thank you, sir, for that permission," responded Dick, rising at once. He was followed by the other players. "Go out a little more quietly, if you please -that's all," called Old Dut.

"Will they be anything like the spanking story that good Old Dut told you last September, Dick?" teased Dave. "Not right away, I guess," smiled Dick. "I don't believe any fellow, after that big supper, feels as if he had energy enough to tell a spanking story. But what kind of stories shall we tell?"

"Now, that is a matter that will call for a little diplomacy. Some of what our principal, Old Dut, calls 'finish' no, 'finesse." "What's that?" Dan wanted to know. "Oh, it's a Latin or a Greek word, or something of the sort, meaning to put a fine edge on a piece of business," Dick explained tranquilly.

But don't try to run away, for I warn you that I've kept up fairly well the sprinting of my old college days." "I won't go with you, and I won't run," uttered Mr. Fits defiantly. "Then get off your coat, for I'm going to start in," Old Dut warned the wretch. Something in the schoolmaster's eye and voice told Fits that he would do well to get himself in trim at once. Off came his hat and coat.

"Dick," chuckled Harry Hazelton, as they descended, "when Old Dut was calling on you to go forward and do your little stunt, did you notice the fly on the left side of his nose that he was trying to brush off without letting any one see the move? Ha, ha, ho!" "Shut up, Hazy," growled Prescott almost savagely. "Haven't you any idea of reverence?

Some of Berlioz's musical qualities are so striking that it is unnecessary to dwell upon them here. The instruments appear to be arranged in defiance of all common sense; and it would seem, to use professional slang, that cela ne dut pas sonner, but cela sonne wonderfully. Think of the effect that such works must have produced at that period.

"Look out, you ferrule-tosser!" jeered Mr. Fits, and led off with one fist after the other. It had often been remarked, in undertones by Grammar School boys, that Old Dut was fine at thrashing boys, but that it would be different if he had a man of his own size to tackle. Right now Dick Prescott and Dave Darrin were treated to a sight that they never forgot.