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See Durkheim, 'Les Formes élémentaires de la vie religieuse', in Travaux de l'Année Sociologique, 1912; or G. Davy, 'La Sociologie de M. Durkheim', in Rev. Philosophique, xxxvi, pp. 42-71 and 160-85.

They moved in echelon, advancing only so many at a time as would make room for the Division behind them, as far as the line marked by the towns of Bingen, Dürkheim, and Landau.

Thus Durkheim: "We are able to say, in sum, that the religious individual does not deceive himself when he believes in the existence of a moral power upon which he depends and from which he holds the larger portion of himself. That power exists; it is society.

NITTI, Le Socialisme catholique, Paris, 1894, p. 27 and 393. Its usual form in America. Translator. Nuova Rassegna, August, 1894. SERGI, L'origine dei fenomeni psichici e loro significazione biologica, Milan, 1885, p. 334, et seq. DURKHEIM, De la division du travail social. Paris. 1893.

Here they stopped. Their big, square room, the only guest-chamber of the little inn, hung in air high above the jumbled roofs of Dürkheim. To the right, the valley split to form a niche for a beetling, ruined castle. Far out on the plain the lights of Darmstadt and Mannheim began to blink. Beyond and above them Heidelberg signaled faintly from the opposing hills.

This was immediately granted; and Fitz said, I feel that your spirit is true and sincere, and I have unity with it. When their service was ended, we asked them to remain a while in silence, and I trust may say we were enabled to utter what was required of us in testimony and supplication. In Dürkheim there are eleven converted Jews, who dare not meet except in secret for fear of the rabbins.

The researches of Durkheim and Gubski show that, after the period of childhood, the tendency to suicide increases steadily with advancing age.

From a contemplation of all this diversity Professor Durkheim emerges, demanding a "synthetic science," "certain synthetic conceptions" and Professor Karl Pearson endorses the demand to fuse all these various activities into something that will live and grow. What is it that tangles this question so curiously that there is not only a failure to arrive at a conclusion, but a failure to join issue?

Robertson Smith, Jane Harrison, Durkheim, rejecting an earlier animistic theory, find the origin of religion not in contemplation of the natural world and in the intuitive perception of something more-than-world which lies behind it, but in the group experience whose heightened emotional intensity and nervous energy imparts to the one the exaltation of the many.

It is true that Herbert Spencer, in order to get classification somehow, did, as Professor Durkheim has pointed out, separate human society into societies, and made believe they competed one with another and died and reproduced just like animals, and that economists following List have for the purposes of fiscal controversy discovered economic types; but this is a transparent device, and one is surprised to find thoughtful and reputable writers off their guard against such bad analogy.