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What course do you propose taking now?" "I have not yet determined, madam. I think I will see this old Dunphy again. He told me that he certainly suspected your brother-in-law, but assured me that he had no specific grounds for his suspicions beyond the simple fact, that Sir Thomas would be the principal gainer by the child's removal. At all events, I shall see him once more to-morrow."

When I was sick and wounded I bear the marks of fifteen severe wounds upon me when I was in fever, in ague, in jaundice, and several other complaints belonging to the different countries we were in, there she was there she was, Dunphy; but enough said; ay, and in the field of battle, too," he added, immediately forgetting himself, "lying like a log, my tongue black and burning.

"Go, then," said the priest, handing him a piece of silver, "to No. 25 Constitution Hill, where a man named Corbet what am I saying Dunphy, lives, and tell him to come to me immediately." "Ha!" said Darby, laying his finger along; his nose, as he spoke to one of his associates, "I smell an alias there. Good; first Corbet and then Dunphy. What do you call that? That chap is one of the connection.

"That's all very fine talk," replied Dunphy, uneasily however, "and from the high-flown language you give me, I take you to be a lawyer; but if you were ten times a lawyer, and a judge to the back of that, a man can't tell what he doesn't know."

Dear knows, I have a strong reason for lettin' the matter lie as it is, even if my suspicions are true; but my conscience isn't aisy, Mr. Eoberts, an' for that raison' I came to spake to you, to consult with you, and to have your advice." "And my advice to you is, Dunphy, not to attack the enemy until your plans are properly laid, and all your forces in a good position.

"Doubtless, then," I said, "he will have given his Holiness full particulars of all that took place here." "No doubt," responded Father O'Neill, "and he tells me the Holy Father listened with great attention to all he had to say though of course, he expressed no opinion about it to Father Dunphy."

All this Father O'Neill told us very quietly, in a gentle, undemonstrative way, but he was much interested when I told him I had recently come from Rome, where these proceedings, I was sure, were exciting a good deal of serious attention. "Yes," he said, "and Father Dunphy who is here in the other room, has just got back from Rome, where he had two audiences of the Holy Father."

He accordingly ordered Dandy to make such slight preparations as were necessary for their return to that town, and in the meantime he determined to pay another visit to old Dunphy of Constitution Hill. On arriving at the huckster's, he found him in the backroom, or parlor, to which we have before alluded. The old man's manner was, he thought, considerably changed for the better.

When each had mixed his tumbler, Sam, brimful of the good news to which he had alluded, filled a small glass, as was his wont, and placing it before Beck, said: "Come, Beck, attention! 'The king, God bless him! Attention, Dunphy! off with it." "The king, God bless him!" having been duly honored, Sam proceeded: "Beck, my old partner, I said I had good news for you.

"No, certainly not but that if any man could, you are that man." "Ay, ay," replied old Dunphy; "all bekaise he thinks I have a regard for the Gourlays. That's what makes him suppose that I know anything about the business; just as if I was in the saicrets of the family. I may have suspicions like other people; but that's all."