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In the spasm of it she succeeded in lifting herself almost erect, and so gained possession of the big duck-gun, which her son Jake, now away in the lumber woods, always kept loaded and ready for use. As she cocked it and settled back into her chair, she called in a piercing voice "Don't stir one step, Melindy! I'm going to shoot!"

"Your servant thanks you for his life." Crack! There was a dull roar as of someone firing a very heavy duck-gun from the forest, and a ball whistled by their heads. "A jingal!" cried Buck. "We've got to hustle round and find shelter. The dacoits are on us." "The pagoda, sahibs," cried Me Dain. "It is the only place of stone in the village. Let us hasten there."

A clumsy servant fired off his heavy duck-gun close to his head, and Gordon very naturally gave him a smart box on the ears which the fellow would remember for a week. Excited by the misery of a slave-gang, he asked the boy in charge of them to whom they belonged, and as he hesitated, he struck him across the face with his whip.

Passing through the sitting- room, I reminded Ajax that my duck-gun, an eight-bore, could carry two ounces of buck-shot about one hundred yards. "We mustn't fight 'em with their own weapons," he answered curtly. The popping ceased suddenly; silence succeeded. "They're having their bad time, too," said Ajax. "They are hitching their plugs to the fence. Hullo!"

We possessed every known engine, from the harpoon thrown by the hand to the barbed arrows of the blunderbuss, and the explosive balls of the duck-gun. On the forecastle lay the perfection of a breech-loading gun, very thick at the breech, and very narrow in the bore, the model of which had been in the Exhibition of 1867.

Some of them ventured to say that it was easier said than done, whereupon the great man swore that he would do it himself without assistance from any one, and getting out a big duck-gun he proceeded to load it with the smallest shot and went down to the reed bed and concealed himself among the bushes at a suitable distance.

Then he came up and stood squinting thoughtfully out through the doorway. "Have you got a gun?" he suddenly asked me. I showed him my duck-gun with its silver mountings, and he smiled a little. "Haven't you a rifle?" he demanded. I explained that my husband had, and he still stood squinting out through the doorway as I poked about the shack-corners and found Dinky-Dunk's repeater.

When he returned with the gun an old, muzzle-loading duck-gun, with a huge bore she accepted it with careless ease and held it as if it were a broom. But when he offered her the powder-horn and a little bag of buckshot, she hesitated. "What be them for?" she inquired. Joe Barren looked serious. "Mrs. Gammit," said he, "I know you kin do most anything a man kin do an' do it better, maybe!

Heywood and Le Noir stood at some little distance from the Indians, and nearly on the spot they had occupied at their entrance, the one holding his rifle, the other his duck-gun, the butts of both, resting on the floor. At each moment their anxiety increased, and it seemed an age before the succor they had sent for could arrive.

The lad's eyes happened to rest on the nails which usually held his father's duck-gun, and Barbette trembled as she noticed that the gun was gone. The silence was broken only by the lowing of a cow or the splash of the cider as it dropped at regular intervals from the bung of the cask.