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"But I do though and what's more, of my own killin' and dryin'. Purty naturist you must be not to see that's off an Ingin's arm." "Oh an Ingin's only, is it?" returned the Aid-de-Camp, whose apprehension began rapidly to subside, now that he had obtained the conviction that it was not the flesh of a white man. "Well, I'm sure! who'd have thought it.

It was bad enough to have interrupted the young lady." "No, no," said Mr. Harkutt, who seemed to have lost his abstraction in the nervousness of hospitality. "I reckon she's only lookin' after her sick sister. But come into the kitchen, both of you, straight off, and while you're dryin' your clothes, mother'll fix you suthin' hot."

"'Can't sell under the latest quotations, says I. 'That's five now; and spot cash. "'But hang it all! he says, 'I haven't got money enough with me. Think I carry a national bank around in my clothes? "'You carry a Wellmouth Bank check book, says I, 'because I see it in your jacket pocket last night when I was dryin' your duds. I'll take a check.

"Sure an' the weather an' me's as loike as two peas the day. We're nayther of us to be depinded on, so we ain't, not knowin' what we want. Look at my clothes not dryin' an' me a-frettin'. What's the use of it all? Let Pat do as he will, I'll think no more of it." The little woman was capable.

The first thing Cap'n Sproul did, as he squatted down, was to pull out his wallet and inspect the precious check. "It's pretty wet," he remarked, "but the ink ain't run any. A little dryin' out is all it needs."

The smoke was rollin' out o' the church chimney because they was dryin' the plaster, an' I run in there to get my hands warm an' see how the plaster was doin'. An' inside was the three elders, walkin' 'round, layin' a finger on a sash or a post the kind o' odd, knowledgeable way men has with new buildin's.

It seemed to him that they stood around the platform in as ugly crookedness as a lodgment of driftwood on a Wabash bottom after a freshet. "Where on the Wea prairies," muttered Shorty, "did Old Abe pick up that job lot o' wind shaken, lopsided saplings? Must've bin pulled when green and warped in the dryin'." "Well, we've got to git 'em into some sort o' shape," answered Si. "You must help."

Bobbsey. "Why er I just wanted to see if the spring was all right, so I wound that up," Freddie went on. "Then I sort of forgot about the water in the tank, and before I knew it, why it it went off sudden like." "Land ob massy! I should say it done did go off suddint laik!" exclaimed Dinah. "Fust I knowed I was dryin' de dishes an' den I got a mouth full ob watah.

"I to my pest mit dryin' to pe a goot cook. I geep his house so glean as a bin. Vat I don't do, Gott weiss, I don't know it. I ain't esk him for ein tcent already. I ain't drouble him mit pills off of de grocer oder de putcher, oder anny-von. I makes launtry efery veek for some liddle peoples, und mit mine own money I bays my pills.

"Then, you see," Adam used to say, "I was settlin' down into an old man; dryin' up, d' ye see? thinkin' the Lord had forgotten me, when He said to other men, 'Come, it's your turn now for home and lovin'. Them young ones was dear enough, but a man has a cravin' for somethin' that's his own. But it was too late, I thought.