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I'll show un to you after we eats, though he's on the dryin' board and you can't see the fur of he." We bowed our heads while the host asked the blessing. The Labradorman rarely omits the blessing, and often the meal is closed with a final thanks, for men of the wilderness live near to God. He is very near to them and they reverence Him. "Help yourself, sir! Help yourself!"

He had just finished burying Wentworth's body all but the heart that was dryin' on a little stick beside the fire. There was an empty shell in his rifle. But what I can't make out is this." He paused and withdrew from his pocket a small tin box, and opening it, disclosed a handful of ashes and the half of a United States gold certificate for ten thousand dollars.

Goodman, putting down 'is glass and dryin' 'is lips on each other, "but I find it useful for these attacks." "I I s'pose the flavor's very nasty?" ses Sam, taking a sip at 'is ginger-beer. "Not exactly wot you could call nasty," ses Mr. Goodman, "though I dessay it would seem so to you. I don't suppose you could swallow it." "I don't s'pose I could," ses Sam, "but I've a good mind to 'ave a try.

"Well I don't know," said Earl in a tone of very discontented acquiescence, "I don't see how anythin' should be as sweet as the sun for dryin' hay I know folks says it is, and I've heerd 'em say it is! and they'll stand to it and you can't beat 'em off the notion it is; but somehow or 'nother I can't seem to come into it.

The elder went down an' bought a pound o' powder an' had it done up in a brown paper bundle, an' put it with his other stuff in the bottom of his dem'crat wagin; but it come on to rain some while he was ridin' back, an' the stuff got more or less wet, an' so when he got home he spread it out in a dishpan an' put it under the kitchen stove to dry, an' thinkin' that it wa'n't dryin' fast enough, I s'pose, made out to assist Nature, as the sayin' is, by stirrin' on't up with the kitchin poker.

'Tis a good chance for dryin' the goods, so I vote for stoppin'." "Well, then, we shall stay," replied Stanley. "To say truth, I agreed with you at first, Massan, but it's always advisable to look at both sides of a question " "Yes, and `in the multitude of counsellors there is wisdom," said Frank Morton, coming up at the moment, and tapping his friend on the shoulder.

"'No, ye won't, I says; 'ye'll stay where ye are. Ye don't leave this place to-night. Ye'll go up-stairs and git into my bed. She looked at me kind o' scared-like; then she looked at John an' our big man Mike who had come in while I was dryin' her out, but I stopped that right away. 'No, ye needn't worry, I said, 'an' ye won't. Ye're just as safe here as ye would be in your mother's arms.

After tearing off some shingles the grapple had caught in a beam and was prevented from doing further harm. "Yes, yew'll pay, and yew'll go ter jail tew," declared the farmer. "Consarn it all, what's the country comin' tew? Las' week tew pesky dod-ratted balloonists hit Hi Holler on ther head with a bag of sand, and now yew come along in thet thar contraption and try to bust up my dryin' roof.

"I'll tell 'im that when 'e comes back!" "Do you always read post-cards, Lizzie?" he asked. "Of course I do," she answered. "So does everybody. You 'urry on now, an' I'll 'ave your dinner up before you finish dryin' your fyce!" She contemplated him for a moment. "You got nice 'air," she said, "only it wants brushin'. An' cuttin', too!" Then she disappeared down the stairs leading to the basement.

Likely ez not, ef it had been left to me my scalp would be dryin' somewhat in the breeze that fans a Mohawk village. Say, Sol, how wuz it that you talked Onondaga when you played the part uv that Onondaga runner. Didn't know you knowed that kind uv Injun lingo." Shif'less Sol drew himself up proudly, and then passed a thoughtful hand once or twice across his forehead.