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See also A. Wolf and Hans von Zwiedineck-Suedenhorst, Oesterreich unter Maria Theresia . THE RISE OF PRUSSIA. History of All Nations, Vol. I , from earliest times through the Thirty Years' War, by the late general director of the Prussian State Archives, an eminent authority on the history of his country; J. G. Droysen, Geschichte der preussischen Politik, 14 vols.

Curious experience with a member of the Chinese Legation at a court reception. Sundry German public men. My relations with professors at the Berlin University. Lepsius, Curtius, Gneist, Von Sybel, Droysen. Hermann Grimm and his wife. Treitschke. Statements of Du Bois-Reymond regarding the expulsion of the Huguenots from France. Helmholtz and Hoffmann; a Scotch experience of the latter.

Since Gustav Droysen, in his "Alexander the Great," led off with this theory, the best writers upon Greek history have gradually adopted it, deserting Grote more and more. Droysen went too far. With him Alexander was the veritable demigod whom he sottishly decreed that his subjects should see in him. Droysen, of course, has too little respect for Demosthenes's policy.

He answered: ``It does not deserve to be called a history; it is a rhapsody. Shortly after he had left, in came Droysen, and to him I put the same question, when he held up both hands and said: ``Yes, there is a history indeed! That is a work of genius; it is one of the books which throw a bright light into a dark time: that book will live.

Opposed to this philosophy are GOLDWIN SMITH'S Lectures on the Study of History; C. Kingsley, in his Miscellanies, The Limits of Exact Science as applied to History; Froude, in Short Studies, vol. i., The Science of History; Lotze, as above; also, Flint, and Droysen, Grundriss der Historik. Hegel's Philosophy of History has profound observations, but connected with an a priori theory.

V, ch. xii; Anton Gindely, The Thirty Years' War, trans. from the German by Andrew Ten Brook, 2 vols. , a popular treatment by a recognized authority in this field, breaking off, unfortunately, in the year 1623; Gustav Droysen, Das Zeitalter des dreissigjaehrigen Krieges and Georg Winter, Geschichte des dreissigjaehrigen Krieges , two bulky volumes in the Oncken Series devoted respectively to the political and military aspects of the war; Emile Charveriat, Histoire de la guerre de trente ans, 2 vols. , a reliable French account of the whole struggle.

I . For Denmark and Sweden: R. N. Bain, Scandinavia, a Political History of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, from 1513 to 1900 . There is a convenient biography of Gustavus Adolphus by C. R. L. Fletcher in the "Heroes of the Nations" Series , and a more detailed study in German by Gustav Droysen, 2 vols.

Among these men, some, like Renan, have been content to insert scattered observations in their general works or their occasional writings; others, as Fustel de Coulanges, Freeman, Droysen, Laurence, Stubbs, De Smedt, Von Pflugk-Harttung, and so on, have taken the trouble to express their thoughts on the subject in special treatises.

Barnard, is written with that peculiar charm and vivacity of style, which it would seem females only can attain. There are in it curious notices of Berlin, Hanover, and Cuxhaven, besides those on England and Portugal. Bemerkungen gesammelt auf einer Reise durch Holland, und einin Theil Franchreichs, 1801. Von J.F. Droysen. Goetting. 1803. 8vo.

As he was being led away, Memnon exclaimed, in allusion to Alexander, who was then fast drawing near: "Thy remorse will soon prove my worth; my avenger is not far off." Droysen, Alex. d. Grosse, Diod. The sudden recollection of the woman he loved, and of the countless services rendered him by Phanes, calmed his wrath his hand dropped.