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Take sume fier flies & sum Redd wormes & black snayls and sum hume bees and dri them and pound them & mixt them in milk or water." These washes were not so expensive as Hirsutus or Tricopherous, but quite as effective perhaps.

He was drunk at his wife's funeral, and kept reeling round and hiccuping 'I didn't dri i i nk much but I feel a a awfully que e e r. I gave him a good jab in the back with my umbrella when he came near me, and it sobered him up until they got the casket out of the house. Young Johnny Booth was to have been married yesterday, but he couldn't be because he's gone and got the mumps.

But Herrick, hopelessly under the influence of the poison, which had now produced its full effect, paid no heed. "Y' can't dri' thish car!" he muttered, in maudlin accents. "Too big too heavy for hc! woman! I I dri' it all right, drunk or sober! Good chauffeur good car I know thish car! You won't fire me hc! for takin' drink or two, huh? I drive you all ri' drive you to New York or to hc! Hell!

Do you know she is a peer's daughter?" "I thought you said housework would do for the daughters of kings; and you have proposed it to our cousin, Dolly Dri " "Were you at Ryde this year, Phillipa?" asked Mrs. Purling, promptly. "No at Cowes. We were yachting. Dreary business, don't you think, Mr. Purling?" "I rather like it." "Yes, if you have a pleasant party and an object.