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I stopped there and then, and grasping my heavy staff waited its approach. "Be that you, sir?" said a voice, and I recognized the voice of Tom Cragg. "What are you doing and there of all places?" "Oh I ain't afeared of 'im," answered Cragg, jerking his thumb towards the gibbet, "I ain't afeard o' none as ever drawed breath dead or livin' except it be 'is 'Ighness the Prince Regent."

I don't reckon that we're so very hard and fast on the mud, hows'ever; for there's a good seventeen foot o' water under the bows; and I noticed, when we'd finished loadin' her t'other day, that she only drawed seventeen foot six for'ard."

"Why," says I, "if anybody is a drowndin', you don't ask their consent to be drawed out of the water, you jest jump in, and yank 'em out. And when you see poor little ones, a sinkin' down in the deep waters of ignorance and brutality, why, jest let Uncle Sam reach right down, and draw 'em out."

All them others was jest drawed so as to fool folks. An' they did fool 'em. 'Cause why? 'Cause nobody ain't never yet found the captain's treasure. But you'll find it, an' you'll bring it home to Captain Obed, won't you, Bob? Of course you will.

"And while Ward and his 'postles was drawed up in a line on one side of the ball-room, and not dastin' to move hand or foot for fear they wouldn't be moved genteel, you got dead tired a-waitin' for 'em to make a move of some kind. "It wuz a weary, tuckerin' sight to America and me, and must have been dretful for you to gone through.

"I started in to tell you how I put Murphy out of business, didn't I, son? The facts brought out by the coroner's jury," embarking on what he conceived to be a bit of happy and elaborate realism, "was that I'd shot him in self-defense after he'd drawed a gun on me.

Them Injuns fixed up an ambushment, blazed in a volley at the clostest sort o' range, and followed it up with a tomahawk and knife rush, lessen that there Afrikin was too plumb daddled to tell any truth, whatsomedever. And, spite of all this here rampaging, they never drawed a single drop o' blood in the whole enduring scrimmage! Mighty cur'is, that; ain't it, now?

"Did you want something?" she asked. "Excuse me. I guess I " In the midst of his embarrassment, Max and Pete came in. "I've got a couple of letters I want to talk over with you boys," he said. "That's why I sent for you." Pete laughed and vaulted to a seat on the draughting-table. "I was most afraid to come," he said. "I heard you drawed a gun on that fellow, Reilly.

'But all you'll ever take of Englan' will be same as you took before a tuppenny tip if you serves the soup up nice, or a penny tip if you gives an Englishman a proper clean shave. The rifle opposite banged again and the bullet slapped into the top of the parapet. 'That drawed 'im again, chuckled Private Robinson, 'but I wonder why the corp'ril didn't get a whack at 'im.

Jes put us out an' lock de do' an' nailed up de winders, an' lef de tings in de big-road." "But didn't yer leave the house locked when you came here?" "Nary bit. Nebber lock de do' at all. Got no lock, ner key, ner nuffin' ter steal ub enny account ef enny body should want ter break in. So what I lock de do' fer? Jes lef de chillen wid one ob de neighbors, drawed do' tu, an' comes on. Dat's all."