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"Well," I said to myself as I turned into the high road once more, "drat the gingersnap, he seems to hypnotize everybody... he must be nearly in Brooklyn by this time!" It was very quiet along the road, also very dark, for the sky had clouded over and I could see neither moon nor stars.

"Drat that boy," interposed my sister, frowning at me over her work, "what a questioner he is. Ask no questions, and you'll be told no lies." It was not very polite to herself, I thought, to imply that I should be told lies by her even if I did ask questions. But she never was polite unless there was company.

To their intense surprise, the usually placid Younkins turned savagely upon the dog, and saying, "Drat that fool dog!" fired one barrel loaded with fine bird-shot into poor Major. "Four as fine wild turkeys as you ever saw in your life!" he explained, as if in apology to the boys. "I was sure of at least two of 'em; and that lunkhead of a dog must needs dash in and scare 'em up.

Drat the woman," continued he, half ashamed of his emotion; "she makes us laugh, and makes us cry, just as she used." "What does he say, young woman?" said the old lady, dryly, to Mrs. Clive. "He says you make us laugh, and make us cry, madam; and so you do me, I'm sure." "And that's Peg Woffington's notion of an actress!

A scrawny buttermilk-faced young besom, allus askin' questions an' pokin' tha' nose where it wasna' wanted. I never knowed how tha' got so thick wi' me. If it hadna' been for th' robin Drat him " "Ben Weatherstaff," called out Mary, finding her breath. She stood below him and called up to him with a sort of gasp. "Ben Weatherstaff, it was the robin who showed me the way!"

"I ain't a-going anywhere, Mrs Baggett, because of them strawberries being tied down which, if you untie them, as I always intended, will have the sperrits put on them as well now as ever. And as for your going mad, Mrs Baggett, I hope it won't be along of me." "Drat your imperence." "I ain't imperence at all. Here's Miss Lawrie, and she shall say whether I'm imperence."

"Drat her imperence," said Peter, who brought in the news. "It's like her ways to come when she can't get a morsel of wholesome food elsewhere." Then Ada and Edith had rushed off to lay hold of the delinquent, who had indeed left a feeling in the hearts of her mistresses of some love for her little foibles. "Oh! Feemy, so you've come back again," said Ada, "and you've grown so big!"

Mr. Jayres leaned over the bannister and started to call. "Boo " he roared, and then checked himself. "Drat such a name as that," he said. "Who ever heard of a civilized Boy being called Bootsey? What'll people think to see a man of my age hanging over a bannister yelling 'Bootsey'! No, I must go down and hunt him up. I wonder why I keep that Boy? I wonder why I do it?" Mr.

"Oh! drat your conscience and blow your duty. You're a spy and a backbiting tell-tale, that's what you are. Did you never kiss a girl yourself?" "Never until after I was married, when we are specially enjoined by the great Apostle " "Then I'm sorry for your wife, for she must have had a lot to teach you. But let's stop slanging, we have our own opinions of each other and there's an end.

They used to bear two sacks apiece in father's time. Drat 'em. "'Well, John, says the old woman, smoothing him down; 'father used to give them a deal of attention. 'Tain't that!