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A pebble-stone whiffled through the air and hit squarely on my cheek bone; the same moment some one banged my back with a heavy stick from behind. "Profs mixing in!" "Knock them down!" was shouted. "Two of them; big one and small. Throw stones at them!" Another shout. "Drat you fresh jackanapes!" I cried as I wallopped the head of a normal nearby.

Old Ben served the meal beefsteak, baked potatoes, hot corn muffins, and gravy, apple sauce, pickles, and coffee that fairly filled the room with its fragrance. "Drat me for a young squirrel if you fellers ain't the hungriest bunch o' yearlin's I ever set eyes on," muttered Ben as he hurried back and forth from table to kitchen supplying the urgent demand.

"Why, drat it, man; wasn't Dr Colligan with you less than an hour ago, telling you you must come here, av you wanted to see her?" "You'll oblige me by sending up the servant to tell Miss Lynch I'm here." "Walk up here a minute, and I'll do that errand for you myself. Well," continued she, muttering to herself "for him to ax av she war staying here, as though he didn't know it!

Hayman would be there was more doubtful, seeing that she had been cremated. Secretly Cook thought that Mr. Timothy would be upset he had always been so set against barrel organs. How many times had she not said: "Drat the thing! There it is again! Smither, you'd better run up and see what you can do." And in her heart she would so have enjoyed the tunes, if she hadn't known that Mr.

At the Stag and Antlers old Mrs. Crocket, than whom no old woman in the public line was ever more generous, more peppery, or more kind, kept two clean bed-rooms, and could cook a leg of Dartmoor mutton and make an apple pie against any woman in Devonshire. "Drat your fish!" she would say, when some self-indulgent and exacting traveller would wish for more than these accustomed viands.

Having allowed his mind to dwell upon this for several minutes, he sat down on his haunches near one of the ricks, and howled to the stars about it all for quite a while, and so effectively that a farmer, sitting in his comfortable dining-room nearly half a mile away, made a remark to his daughter about the new-fangled way these pesky motor-car people have of blowing fog-horns like the ships at sea, and carrying on as if the road belonged to them drat 'un!

One would s'pose she was the Queen of Sheby to hear her go on, instead of a beggar, whose father was the Lord only knows who, and whose mother was found in rags on this 'ere table. Drat the dum thing!" Peterkin roared, bringing his fist down with such force upon the poor old rickety table that it fell to pieces under the blow and went crashing to the floor.

"Drat them colts!" she cried, adding, after taking thought; "but we haven't any horses of them names, sir." "No! You surprise me. They are of the best Italian pedigree." Meanwhile, he was achieving his object, which was to drive Mrs. Crowe back towards the wicket. Helen's voice came to them shrilly: "That will do, Davie! Do you hear me?" "Why, bless my 'eart, there's Miss Layton," said Mrs. Crowe.

I've told that woman to get me my things, and help me into the other room but she's in your pay, I suppose. She won't do anything I tell her, drat her!" "The doctor left orders you were to keep quiet to-day." McEwen vowed he would do nothing of the kind. He had no time to be lolling in bed like a fine lady. He had business to do, and must get home.

This Dan stood, with others, loitering about "The Cutlers' Arms." Presently out came Grotait, and surveyed the rascally lot. He beckoned to Dan, and retired. Dan went in after him. "Drat his luck!" said one of the rejected candidates, "he always gets the job." The rest then dispersed. Tucker was shown into a pitch-dark room, and there a bargain was struck between him and men unseen.