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He gave in to my solicitude so far as to say that he would see about it, but reminded me that it was not he who was going into the infection. Yes, I said, but there was that lock of hair and the worsted cuff. Such things did carry contagion, and he ought to burn them at once. "Poor Dora!" he said, rather indignantly. Oh that I had seen them burnt! Oh that I had taken him to Dr.

He will soon learn to know me, and the woodcock season does not last forever." "But Dora will not be at home," said Miriam; "she goes to Barport to-day with the Tolbridges." Ralph opened his mouth to speak, and then he shut it again. It was of no use to say anything, and he contented himself with a sigh as he went to the rack to put up his gun.

It was tolerably plain that, unless the few days en route were very few indeed, John Ashforth and Mary Travers were in a fair way to be prosperously and peacefully married before Dora Bellairs set foot in England. And if he stayed with the Bellairs', before he did, either! Charlie lit a cigarette and sat puffing and thinking. "Dashed nice girl, Dora Bellairs," observed Sir Roger. "Think so?"

It was destined to be many a day before any of the Rovers set eyes on him again. "Dan is gone!" "Which way did he go?" "I don't know." "He ran up the shore, in that direction!" called out Dora, pointing with her hand. Leaving Arnold Baxter in the grasp of Fairwell and Ruff, Tom and Sam hurried off.

But 'tis not yet too late. We must reclaim thee, dear Harry! Mustn't we, Sir Miles? Mustn't we Dora? Mustn't we, Flora?" The three ladies all look up to the ceiling. They will reclaim the dear prodigal. It is which shall reclaim him most. Dora sits by and watches Flora. As for mamma when the girls are away, she talks to him more and more seriously, more and more tenderly.

"I I'll try," said her daughter, flushed and excited at the prospect Laura's suggestion opened before her. Scarcely was Bobby Hargrew of a happier disposition and of more volatile temperament than the Lockwood twins. Dora and Dorothy, while still chubby denizens of the nursery, saw that the world was bound to be full of fun for them if they attacked it in the right spirit.

When Dick returned to Dora he found that the girl had sunk down on the piazza steps nearly overcome. "Don't be afraid, Dora; he's gone," he said kindly. "Oh, Dick, I'm so afraid of him!" she gasped. "Was he here long before I came up?" "About ten minutes. He brought a message from Mr. Crabtree, who wants to see me in Cedarville. I told him I wouldn't go and I won't." "I shouldn't either, Dora.

It was difficult to answer these questions, without casting a shade over those whom Dora wished the child to love and respect. Sometimes she told the little girl that it would often hurt people's feelings and make them very miserable, to know just what others thought of them.

Dora was a nice girl, but Miriam could not think of her as one to whom she could show or tell very much; Dora liked to do the showing and telling herself.

'Can you send some one? said Dora. 'I will go myself at once. I'll find the man if he's there, and bring him. You leave it to me. He turned without more ado, broke into a run, and disappeared round the corner of Oldham Street. Dora crossed to the Infirmary, her mind strangely divided for a moment between the solemn image of what was coming, and the vibrating memory of something just past.