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But it's verra true that gin the story cam' frae that en' o' the toon, there's room for rizzonable doobts. Sae we'll awa' to our beds, and houp things mayna be sae far gane as the soun' o' them. Only I drede there's aye some water whaur the stirkie droons."

For my ain pairt I hae my doobts; but gien onybody here aboot can tell the trowth on't, yersel' maun be the man; an' sae I hae brought it, to ken what ye wad say til 't." "I'll du my best to lowse yer doobt, laird," returned Jeames. "Lat's hae a luik at the article." The laird took the horse from his pocket, and handed it to him.

He's heid o' the medical boord at Calcutta noo. He says naething but that he doobts he's gane. He gaed up the country, and he hasna hard o' him for sae lang. We hae keepit up a correspondence for mony a year noo, Dr. Anderson an' me. He was a relation o' Anerew's, ye ken a second cousin, or something. He'll be hame or lang, I'm thinkin', wi' a fine pension.

Instantly all were silent, and gazing intently ahead at a dark object that burst upwards through the ice. "A walrus!" whispered Buzzby. "So it is," answered Amos Parr. "I've my doobts on that point," remarked Saunders. Before the doubts of the second mate could be resolved, the Esquimaux uttered another exclamation, and pointed to another dark object a quarter of a mile to the right.

Instantly all were silent, and gazing intently ahead at a dark object that burst upwards through the ice. "A walrus!" whispered Buzzby. "So it is," answered Amos Parr. "I've my doobts on that point," remarked Saunders. Before the doubts of the second mate could be resolved, the Esquimaux uttered another exclamation and pointed to another dark object a quarter of a mile to the right.

"I wonder what book it is," said Ginny. "That wad be ill to say," answered Nicie. "Donal reads a hantle o' buiks mair, his mither says, nor she doobts he can weel get the guid o'." "Do you think it's Latin, Nicie?" "Ow! I daursay. But no; it canna be Laitin for, leuk! he's lauchin', an' he cudna dee that gien 'twar Laitin.