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Tremendous K. was exceedingly loyal to both King and country, but he could never remember which George it was that occupied the throne, and had no notion of suggesting that one should rise from the dead. "You don't call special services in a church a dogfight, I hope," put in Tilly Holmes's father, his eyebrows bristling. Mr.

They ain't nothin' to take me anywheres. I've set two hours in the deadest game of draw nothing excitin', no hands, an' broke even. Played a rubber of cribbage with Skiff Mitchell for the drinks, an' now I'm that languid for somethin' doin' that I'm perambulatin' the streets on the chance of seein' a dogfight, or a argument, or somethin'." "I've got something better on hand," Smoke answered.

I've seen him go down in a dogfight on the main street with fifty dogs on top of him, and when they were separated, he'd appear on all his four legs, unharmed, while two of the dogs that had been on top of him would be lying dead. I saw him steal a chunk of moose-meat from Major Dinwiddie's cache so heavy that he could just keep one jump ahead of Mrs.

While the people on Project Sign were pondering over Lieutenant Gorman's dogfight with the UFO at the time they weren't even considering the balloon angle the Top Secret Estimate of the Situation was working its way up into the higher echelons of the Air Force. It got to the late General Hoyt S. Vandenberg, then Chief of Staff, before it was batted back down.

The other dogfight occurred September 24, 1952, between a Navy pilot of a TBM and a light over Cuba. The pilot had just finished making some practice passes for night fighters when he spotted an orange light to the east of his plane. He checked on aircraft in the area, learned that the object was unidentified, and started after it. I started to intercept.

Suddenly it started a dive and I followed, losing it at 1,500 feet. In this incident the UFO was a balloon. The following night a lighted balloon was sent up and the pilot was ordered up to compare his experiences. He duplicated his dogfight illusions and all. The Navy furnished us with a long analysis of the affair, explaining how the pilot had been fooled.

His square ran into one of those slums that still rub shoulders with the most distinguished situations, and in it he came upon a little crowd assembled round a dogfight. One of the dogs was being mauled, but the day was muddy, and Shelton, like any well-bred Englishman, had a horror of making himself conspicuous even in a decent cause; he looked for a policeman.

The corrobboree of the Princess Charlotte Bay boys also owes its origin to Nature, but Nature in one of her most unpoetical moods a mood as typical of Constantinople as of their native shores, for its motive is nothing more than an everyday dogfight.

Joe Mauser growled, "What'd you mean, why not?" Freddy said slowly, "Why can't you have some blood and guts combat, right up there in that glider?" "Have you gone drivel-happy?" But the little man was on his feet, pacing the floor quickly, irritably, but still happily. "A dogfight. A natural. Listen, you ever heard about dogfights, major?" "You mean pitdogs, like in Wales, in the old days?"

Master Billy came tumbling in with a torn jacket, a bloody nose, the trace of a few tears in his eyes, and the mangiest of cur dogs in his hands. "Oh my! my!! my!!!" exclaimed his mother. "Don't you get scared, ma!" cried Billy, smiling a stern smile of triumph; "I smashed the nose off him! He won't sass me again for nothing this while! Uncle Teddy, d'ye know it wasn't a dogfight after all?