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C. Linnæus on the Benefit of Travelling in one's own Country. Instructio Peregrinatoris, Dissertatio. Præside C. Linnæo. 1759, 4to. Mémoire Instructif sur la Manière de rassembler, de préparer, de conserver, et d'envoyer les diverses Curiosités d'Histoire Naturelle. Par Turgot. 1758. 8vo.

Stimulated, as it would seem, by a zeal of this kind, J.G. Neumann wrote a "Dissertatio de Fausto Praestigiatore," in which he not only tried to prove that Dr. Faustus had never been at Wittenberg, but pronounced his whole story fabulous.

They had made progress in obstetrics; described monstrosities and congenital deformities; practised version, evisceration, and Cæsarian section upon the dead and upon the living mother. A.H. Israels has clearly shown in his 'Dissertatio Historico-Medica Inauguralis' that Cæsarian section, according to the Talmud, was performed among the Jews with safety to mother and child.

In Italy emigration gradually became among the aristocrats a question not of honour merely but almost of fashion, and it obtained a fresh impulse through the unfavourable accounts which arrived regarding Caesar's position before Ilerda; not a few of the more lukewarm partisans and the political trimmers went over by degrees, and even Marcus Cicero at last persuaded himself that he did not adequately discharge his duty as a citizen by writing a dissertatio on concord.

In Italy emigration gradually became among the aristocrats a question not of honour merely but almost of fashion, and it obtained a fresh impulse through the unfavourable accounts which arrived regarding Caesar's position before Ilerda; not a few of the more lukewarm partisans and the political trimmers went over by degrees, and even Marcus Cicero at last persuaded himself that he did not adequately discharge his duty as a citizen by writing a dissertatio on concord.

As applied, therefore, to the first problem in the whole question upon Oracles, When, and under what circumstances, did they cease? the Dissertatio of Van Dale, and the Histoire des Oracles by Fontenelle, are irresistible, though not written in a proper spirit of gravity, nor making use of that indispensable argument which we have ourselves derived from the analogy of all scriptural precedents.

Dissertatio de insignioribus Romanorum Poetis, i. e. A Dissertation upon the most Eminent Roman Poets: This is supposed to have been written about 1692. A Discourse on Ancient and Modern Learning; the time when it was written is uncertain, but probably as early as the former.