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An error of an inch in a measurement might make all the difference when the case came on for trial. Foyle and Green left the house in charge of the divisional man. Already a description had been circulated of the man they had failed to surprise; but as neither had caught more than a glimpse of a shadowy figure in the darkness, they had had to rely on the descriptions given by Israels and his wife.

The one Fortuny is an elaborate etching of his Anchorite. The Josef Israels are strong. Jacque pigs and sheep; Klinkenberg's view of the Binnenhof; Mancini's bewildering chromatic blurs and sensuously rich gamut, and seventeen in number. This painter is seldom encountered in America.

His horses are not as rhythmic as those of Degas, his landscapes are not as sun-flooded as those of Monet, nor are his Holland bits so charged with homely sentiment as those of Josef Israels. But Liebermann is Liebermann, with a supple, flowing, pregnant line, his condensed style a versatile conception, a cynical, at times, outlook upon the life about him; enfin a colourist.

See the references in Schwally, Das Leben nach dem Tode nach den Vorstellungen des Alten Israels, pp. 59-68, and Jeremias' Vorstellungen, pp. 106-116. Job, vii. 10. Refâ'îm. Gen. xlii. 38. Incidentally, a proof that the dead were not buried naked. Das Leben nach dem Tode, etc, p. 67. I Sam. ii. Recognized by the critics as an insertion. See Budde, Die Bücher Richter und Samuel, p. 197.

E.N. Adler was told that in an Armenian monastery near Kutais, ancient records are preserved which conclusively prove that the Jews were paramount in certain districts three or four centuries ago; Jews in many Lands, p. 178. Cf. Wo wären die zehn Stämme Israels zu suchen? Dr. Neubauer in the third of his valuable articles "Where are the ten tribes?"

Josef Israels went largely to the life of fishermen for his motives, though one of his best-known works is that noble one, 'David before Saul.

Therefore, although the single thought of the dying Saviour is sufficiently great to bearnay, even, perhaps, demandisolation, it unites itself with nothing else within our compass of vision, and, therefore, cannot be said to compose with its frame. The reader is now in a position to appreciate the simple mechanics which underlie the composition by Israels.

But luck would have it that he was introduced to Israels at the Academy soirée, and the artist, assuring him that the pictures were "certainly for sale," Lewis secured the coveted works, and was thus the first to establish Israels' fame in England. The gatherings in Moray Lodge were unique in their way.

If he had taken more men the escape would have occurred just the same over the roofs, for he would still have felt it his duty to question Israels. He could not have foreseen that the ready-witted Lola was there, nor that she should have so ingeniously given the alarm. The luck had been against him. Nevertheless he had gained an important fact.

In New York a Committee on Amusement and Vacation Resources of Working Girls has for its president a social worker of many years, Mrs. Charles M. Israels. Associated with the committee are many other well-known social economists, women of wealth and influence who have given years to the service of working girls.