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'In ordher, he says, 'that there may be no disordher, he says, 'I will call upon th' imperyal States, he says, 'an Territ'ries, he says, 'beginnin' with th' imperyal State iv Alabama, he says, 'to each sind wan singer to th' platform, he says, 'f'r to wring our hear-rts with melodies, he says.

'I wish, said Jools, 'ye'd sind down tin or a dozen good men in uniform an' a few detectives in citizen's clothes, he says. "I've asked some ladies an' gintlemen to a five o'clock rivolution at my house, he says; 'an' I'd like to be sure they'll be no disordher, he says. 'Well, says th' chief, ''twill not be aisy, he says.

They were obliged to rethreat in disordher. But our special corryspondint was able f'r to obtain a fine view of th' thrillin' scene that followed. First came th' coort, weepin'. They was followed be th' gin'rals in th' Fr-rinch ar-rmy, stalwart, fearless men, with coarse, disagreeable faces.

'But, he says, 'I must first notify th' polis, he says, 'so's to prevint disordher, he says. So he wint to th' chief iv polis, who was an ol' frind iv his, they was in th' same newspaper office or thripe dairy or something, an' th' chief kissed Jools, an' asked him what he cud do f'r him.

All th' Jews, excipt th' owners iv anti-Jew papers fr'm Paris, wore heavy masks an' kep' their hands in their pockets. At four o'clock th' prisident called th' aujience to disordher, an', havin' disentangled Gin'ral Merceer an' a former prisident iv th' raypublic, demanded if Moosoo Bertillon was in th' room. "'Here, says that gr-reat janius, descindin' fr'm th' roof in a parachute.