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If any ould woman kin be placed in the froont rank av Frakes fer the rayson that her gran'son killed another ould woman, wull ye tell me, sor, phwat becomes av our janius an' harrud work?

Afther I've done wid my search thro' thim clothes, it isn't loikely that any one in this castle 'll ever be loikely to put thim together again. To do that same 'ud nade a profissional tailor wid a crayative janius, so it would.

'Fwhy not? said Dan, with a twinkle in his eye as he stretched himself for rest. 'Are we not conspirin' all we can, an' while we conspire are we not entitled to free dhrinks? Sure his ould mother in New York would not let her son's comrades perish of drouth if she can be reached at the end of a letter. 'You're a janius, said Horse Egan. 'O' coorse she will not.

What coom to t' three hundred and fifty rupees? Thot's what I can scarcelins tell yo', but we melted it we melted it. It was share an' share alike, for Mulvaney said: 'If Learoyd got hold of Mrs. DeSussa first, sure 'twas I that renumbered the Sargint's dog just in the nick av time, an' Orth'ris was the artist av janius that made a work av art out av that ugly piece av ill-nature.

What coom to t' three hundred and fifty rupees? Thot's what I can scarcelins tell yo', but we melted it we melted it. It was share an' share alike, for Mulvaney said: "If Learoyd got hold of Mrs. DeSussa first, sure, 'twas I that remimbered the Sargint's dog just in the nick av time, an' Orth'ris was the artist av janius that made a work av art out av that ugly piece av ill-nature.

Dooley, "I didn't vote f'r Mack, but I'm with him now. I had me doubts whether he was th' gr-reatest military janius iv th' cinchry, but they'se no question about it. We go into this war, if we iver do go into it, with th' most fash'n-able ar-rmy that iver creased its pants. 'Twill be a daily hint fr'm Paris to th' crool foe.

If I wint over there 'tis little time I'd be spindin' thryin' to discover how th' wondhers iv mechanical janius are projooced that makes livin' so much more healthy an' oncomfortable.

"The boy is 'cute enough, and he loves reading," continued the dame; "but I does not think the books he gets hold of will teach him the way to grow old." "And 'ow came he to read, anyhows?" "Ranting Rob, the strolling player, taught him his letters, and said he'd a deal of janius." "And why should not Ranting Rob tache the boy Latin and vartue?" There was a long silence; it was broken by Mr.

"And in winter, with bacon and eggs, And a place, at the turf-fire basking, Sip my punch as I roasted my legs, Oh, the devil a more I'd be asking! For I haven't a janius for work, It was never the gift of the Bradies, But I'd make a most illigant Turk, For I'm fond of tobacco and ladies."

Hycy, your health I remember when you were wid me you certainly were facile princeps for a ripe judgment, even in your rudiments; so then, you are of opinion that the epistle in question has janius?