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J'ai ete reellement touche de la maniere affectueuse dont il m'a fait ses observations auxquelles il a su joindre des compliments, en me disant que j'avais decouvert la meilleure facon de faire la revue des expositions et que mes articles sont precisement ce qu'il lui faut.

Well, this gentleman at the Lakes is, as we suspected, the identical Mr. Spencer, and his soi- disant nephew, Camilla's suitor, is assuredly no other than the lost Sidney. The moment I saw the young man I recognised him, for he is very little altered, and has a great look of his mother into the bargain. Concealing my more than suspicions, I, however, took care to sound Mr. Spencer seems convinced.

Vevay is a handsome town, with about 4,000 inhabitants; and is, after Lausanne, the principal place in the Canton of Vaud. For the union of wild and cultivated scenery this view stands unequalled. No description of mine could do it justice: "Car la parole est toujours réprimée Quand le sujet surmonte le disant."

Dans cette lettre l'ecrivain representait les officiers comme tres mecontents d'etre obliges de donner l'hospitalite a ceux de l'escadre francaise qui est venue a Malte; disant que c'etait leur metier de recevoir les Francais a coups de fusil et qu'ils ne desiraient pas les voir autrement.

At the end of an hour you discover that the soi disant commissionaire will transact all this affair for a few francs; and, after a tiresome wait in a filthy room, jostled, elbowed, and trampled upon, by boors with sabots, you adjourn to your inn, and begin to feel that you are not in England. Our little party had but few of the miseries here recounted to contend with.

Albert's name is immortalised, and the wicked reports of dangers of every kind, which a set of people, viz. the soi disant fashionables, the most violent Protectionists, spread, are silenced.

Well, indeed, I knew, and I know that, had I chosen to enlist amongst the soi disant poets of the day, amongst those, I mean, who, by mere force of talent and mimetic skill, contrive to sustain the part of poet in a scenical sense and with a scenical effect, I also could have won such laurels as are won by such merit; I also could have taken and sustained a place taliter qualiter amongst the poets of the time.

A spoiled woman may ensnare a weak man, and a soit disant orator ensnare also an ignorant people. Still, the first cannot be a lady, and the second is but a demagogue. Could Talma impart on the stage those heroic sentiments, had he not been gifted with lofty sentiments, and integrity?

Since we have been talking together thus frankly, I suppose I may fairly ask whether I do not guess correctly in supposing that this soi- disant husband, whose name I forget, Mac something, perhaps, Scotch-I think she said he was Ecossais, is dead and has left by will some legacy to Louise and any child she may have borne to him?" "Not exactly so.

" Mon Dieu! repond Smiley, toujours d'un air degage, elle est bonne pour une chose a mon avis, elle peut battre en sautant toute grenouille du comte de Calaveras. "L'individu reprend la boite, l'examine de nouveau longuement, et la rend a Smiley en disant d'un air delibere: Eh bien! je ne vois pas que cette grenouille ait rien de mieux qu'aucune grenouille.