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Updated: August 20, 2024

Lady Kew bids her daughter take a pen and write: "Monsieur le Mauvais Sujet, Gentlemen who wish to take the sea air in private, or to avoid their relations, had best go to other places than Brighton, where their names are printed in the newspapers. If you are not drowned in a pozzo " "Mamma!" interposes the secretary.

"You came to see me this morning to talk to me of a marriage, unhoped for with your reputation of gamester, of supper-giver, of 'mauvais sujet'; of a marriage which fulfils conditions most improbable, so perfect are they beauty, youth, intelligence, fortune, and even, if I have read my little friend aright, the beginning of an interest, of a very deep interest.

Evidently they were of the mauvais sujet class; their bleary eyes and limp jaws told plainly of a common love of absinthe; and their eyes had that haggard, worn look of slumbering ferocity which follows hard in the wake of drink.

They recollected a mauvais sujet from the said classical school; argued that it never turned out good scholars, nor good men; and that they should be conferring the greatest benefit on Northwold burghers yet unborn, by recalling the old Squire to a better mind, or by bringing in James Frost in spite of him.

"I had no idea you were a philosopher," said he. "Nor am I. I am a mauvais sujet mauvais enough, already, without seeking to become worse." "Well, adieu I will see to this affair of the Tilbury, and desire them to let you have it by noon to-morrow." "A thousand thanks. I am ashamed that you have so much trouble in the matter. Au revoir." "Au revoir."

I remember him well; a terrible mauvais sujet, but superbly handsome. There was a shocking story about the jewels of a foreign duchess, which obliged him to leave Paris."

At any rate, they ought to have punished him in Heaven. I have no idea of those people sending every mauvais sujet to Hell. 'But what shall we do? inquired Pluto, who wished to turn the conversation. 'Shall we turn out a sinner and hunt him for her Majesty's diversion? suggested Tisiphone, flanking her serpents.

On the whole, I presume, we are to consider a mauvais sujet as a culprit, compared with whose transgressions, the several enormities of gaming, drinking, and the like, sink into mere peccadilloes. So interesting a girl, however, was not likely to remain long without a suitable admirer, and she speedily had another affaire du coeur.

The day before he began his holiday he went to see Madame Carré, who said to him, "Vous devriez bien nous la laisser." "She has something then ?" "She has most things. She'll go far. It's the first time in my life of my beginning with a mistake. But don't tell her so. I don't flatter her. She'll be too puffed up." "Is she very conceited?" Sherringham asked. "Mauvais sujet!" said Madame Carré.

When LE GRAND D'AUSSY, whose "Fabliaux" are so well known, adopted, in the warmth of antiquarian imagination, the plan suggested by the Marquis de Paulmy, first sketched in the Mélanges tirés d'une grande Bibliothèque, of a picture of the domestic life of the French people from their earliest periods, the subject broke upon him like a vision; it had novelty, amusement, and curiosity: "le sujet m'en parut neuf, riche et piquant."

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