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At first there were dozens of these disk-shaped, transparent creatures, and then hundreds, starring the water like marguerites sprinkled on a meadow, and of sizes from that of a teacup to a dinner-plate.

All the fastenings were broken away, and only the old branches, from habit, kept their places against it. Everything all about seemed striving back to a dear disorder and salvage liberty. The walks were covered with weeds, and almost impassable with unpruned branches, while here lay a heap of rubbish, there a smashed flower-pot, here a crushed water-pot, there a broken dinner-plate.

But before I could compose myself to rest two other women entered, one of whom bore, upon a thick biscuit-like cake the size of an ordinary dinner-plate, two roast ribs of goat and a generous portion of boiled yam, while the other carried a calabash full of what I took to be some kind of native beer.

You don't mean to say you cannot call him up before you, sitting, with his attendant woman, at his potter's wheel a disc about the size of a dinner-plate, revolving on two drums slowly or quickly as he wills who made you a complete breakfast-set for a bachelor, as a good-humoured little off-hand joke?

At length I espied, high up on the mountain slope, a little green oasis, scarcely larger than a small dinner-plate. I scrambled up to it, and, putting down my hand, found a fountain of cool bright water issuing forth. I shouted to my companions, who quickly joined me. Never was nectar drank with more delight; and, revived and strengthened, we again pushed on.

For myself, I make use of a common white metallic dinner-plate, known as iron-stone china, costing another ten cents, for my sky-palette, squeezing the color-tubes in a row around its edge and my Chinese white below them on one side toward the bottom. The result may be seen in some of the illustrations accompanying this text.

"You snivelling cur I've a good mind to rub your face in that gravy, by G I will rub it in that gravy!" exploded the Captain, and in the instant he seized the dinner-plate in one hand and the fellow's head in the other and brought them quickly together, rubbing the man's chin and nose briskly round and round in the mixture of congealing gravy and potatoes.

The anniversaries Christmas, their wedding day, her birthday he always observed with great eclat. He took a holiday from his business, surprised her with presents under her pillow, or her dinner-plate, and never failed to take her to the theatre in the evening. However, it was not only Jadwin's virtues that endeared him to his wife. He was no impeccable hero in her eyes. He was tremendously human.

The key turned with a snap, the door was flung open, and there stood Martha, in a Corybantic attitude, brandishing a dinner-plate in one hand, a poker in the other; her hair was dishevelled, her face red, and fury blazed in her eyes. "You won't go away?" she screamed "There, then there goes one of your plates!" She dashed it to the floor. "You won't go away?

Still, they occasionally sent furtive glances skyward, to see if any lava was coming down upon us. Having filled all our vessels with water, we marched on, and after a short ascent, found ourselves on the great plain, 650 mètres above sea-level, about 12 kilomètres in diameter, and shaped like a huge dinner-plate, a chain of hills forming the rim.